Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

Improper care for open wounds will leave bad scars, causing loss of aesthetics for the injured. In order to ensure the open wound heals quickly, besides proper hygiene, diet also plays an important role. Here is a diet to help open wounds quickly heal that injured people need to note!
What is an open wound?
An open wound is a visible injury such as a cut, cut, punctured skin, etc. The signs of an open wound are bleeding, redness, swelling around the wound. Patients will feel pain, discomfort on the skin surface

With small open wounds, the injured person can take care of himself at home. However, for some large wounds, deep, wide lesions, heavy bleeding, you should go to the hospital for proper treatment, avoiding the risk of infection.
Process of open wound healing
The usual stages of wound healing include:
- Inflammatory stage: The blood vessels at the wound site will tighten to prevent blood loss
Platelets collect to form blood clots.

Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

After a blood clot is formed, the blood vessels expand, allowing maximum blood flow to the wound. White blood cells move to the damaged site to kill bacteria and other heterologous components. Skin cells multiply and grow throughout the wound.
With small open wounds, the injured person can take care of himself at home
- The stage of fibroblast: Collagen, the protein fiber starts to grow inside the wound. The growth of collagen stimulates the edges of the wound to shrink and close. Small blood vessels form at the site of the wound to supply blood to newly created skin cells.
- Regeneration stage: The body continuously replenishes collagen and refines the injured area
This is why scars tend to fade over time.

Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

Steps for caring for open wounds properly at home
Step 1: Wash your hands
Before treating an open wound, clean your hands with soap or an antiseptic solution to help prevent the risk of infection. If disposable latex gloves are used, they should be used to limit direct contact with blood and body fluids.
Before treating an open wound, clean your hands with soap or an antiseptic solution to help prevent the risk of infection
Step 2: Hemostasis
Apply a clean piece of gauze or cloth to the wound, then apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding. If gauze is not available, first aid can be used to compress the wound with your hand. Note: Raise the area more damaged than the heart to reduce blood pressure to this area.
Step 3: Clean the wound
Wash the wound with clean water or salt water for 5 - 10 minutes, wipe gently with a clean towel. If the scent of a foreign body is deeply penetrated, do not remove the object yourself, wrap a cloth around the object and move the injured person to the nearest medical facility for treatment according to medical professional.
Wash the wound with clean water or salt water for 5 - 10 minutes, wipe gently with a clean towel
Note: Do not wash open wounds with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

Although hydrogen peroxide helps kill anaerobic bacteria; Alcohol helps hydrolyze bacteria proteins and fats. But at the same time, they also destroy white blood cells, platelets and even fresh tissue. This will make the wound heal longer and create a risk of wound infection. Therefore, just a little clean water or salt water is enough to clean the wound.
Step 4: Apply antibiotics
For small wounds, a thin layer of antibiotic cream or ointment (Neosporin, Polysporin) can be applied. However, some ointments may contain ingredients that cause a mild rash depending on the location of the user. Therefore, if a rash appears, discontinue use and consult a doctor.
For minor wounds, apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream or ointment
Note: Do not sprinkle antibiotic powder on open wounds due to risks such as allergies, anaphylaxis; make the wound long, slow to the skin by antibiotic powder when sprinkled will create a dry crust outside, hinder the penetration of body protection factors to the wound so the wound will slowly heal.

Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

In addition, after a few hours of sprinkle, the antibiotic powder will dry, the concentration of antibiotic penetrating the damaged tissue is insignificant, so it does not prevent and fight against infections.
Step 5: Cover the wound
After the wound is stopped, it should be carefully bandaged to keep it clean, but not too tight because it will hinder blood circulation.
After the wound is stopped, bleeding should be carefully wound to keep it clean
Step 6: Change the dressing
Whenever the bandage is wet or soiled, you should change it immediately. For the first 2 days after the injury, wash and reapply antibiotics to the wound with each dressing change.
Step 7: Watch for signs of infection
In case of self-care at home, if there are signs such as: the wound does not heal, the area of redness widespread swelling, soreness, pus or fever ... you need to immediately go to the hospital for treatment promptly because the infection may have been infected.

Nutrition Helps Open Wounds To Heal Quickly

Open wound should eat what heals?
For people with open wounds, need to supplement with high-protein foods such as.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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