Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

We all know that milk and dairy products have useful nutritional value for fetal development and the health of pregnant women. However, not everyone knows how to supplement properly and is most effective.
Benefits of drinking milk during pregnancy
Milk is an indispensable source of nutrition for the development of the fetus as well as ensuring the health of pregnant women during pregnancy. The addition of milk will help pregnant women gain important vitamins, nutrients and minerals to ensure a healthy period.
Accordingly, milk offers the following benefits:
Canxi additional
Your body uses calcium to help build the fetus' growing bones, teeth, heart, muscles and nerves

. If you do not have enough calcium circulating in your blood, your body will automatically take calcium from your bones to provide enough for your baby. This can increase the risk of osteoporosis or thin bones that are more likely to break in the mother after birth.
Therefore, pregnant women need about 50-330mg of calcium to support fetal development
To meet this need, a pregnant woman age 19 and older is recommended to consume 1,000mg of calcium daily.

Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

A glass of nonfat milk (250ml) will provide about 309mg of calcium. Therefore, pregnant women need to consume about 3-4 glasses of milk a day to meet daily calcium needs.
However milk is not the only source of calcium, you can get calcium through other foods like broccoli, kale, oranges, green beans, red beans or other dairy products like milk. Sour, cheese ...
Milk is a good source of calcium
Provides Protein
Protein is an essential nutrient at any stage of life, but is especially important during pregnancy in women
A growing fetus relies heavily on protein for building healthy cells.

Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

The fetus usually thrives and is the fastest in the second and third trimesters, so the demand for protein also increases.
The inadequate protein supply will negatively affect the fetal development and lead to lower birth weight than average.
The protein in milk is considered a complete protein, meaning it contains all the amino acids needed to help the body function. In addition, milk proteins are easily digested and absorbed, so the body can completely use up the whole protein intake.
The recommended amount for a normal human body is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, but during pregnancy the amount of protein needed will jump to about 1.1 grams per kilogram of body weight. A cup of whole milk provides nearly 8 grams of protein, so drinking three glasses of low-fat milk can help you meet more than one-third of your daily protein needs.

Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

Take Vitamin D
Vitamin D goes hand in hand with calcium because without it, you won't be able to absorb the required amount of minerals. These two nutrients work to keep bones strong, especially during pregnancy. Vitamin D also plays an important role in keeping pregnant mothers' immune systems healthy, which can help prevent infections and prevent rickets in babies. Getting enough vitamin D also contributes to ensuring the standard birth weight for your baby.
When you are pregnant, you need 600 IU of vitamin D per day, but not many foods contain this vitamin. Therefore, milk is the best choice because it will help you supplement the amount of Vitamin D needed to meet your needs during pregnancy. A cup of whole milk provides about 125 IU of vitamin D, accounting for nearly 20%. your daily needs.

Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

Therefore, drinking 3 cups of milk a day can help you meet up to 60% of this vitamin requirement.
Provide DHA
Dha is an omega-3 fatty acid that is extremely important in the child's visual and brain development. During pregnancy, pregnant women need at least 200 milligrams of DHA per day. According to a report in Nutrient (February 2018), regular and even organic milk do not contain significant amounts of DHA but grass-fed cows fed grass will have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. more, helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease and other metabolic diseases.
In addition to helping supplement the necessary nutrient content, milk also plays an important role in reducing symptoms of heartburn and other stomach problems common in pregnancy to a certain extent. Besides, if you feel dehydrated or stressed, a glass of milk will be of great help to you.
During pregnancy, pregnant women need at least 200 milligrams of DHA per day
Should drink milk at any stage of pregnancy?
Whether it is fresh milk or fresh milk, pregnant women can start drinking milk as soon as they know the pregnancy.

Pregnant Women Need To Drink Milk Pregnant? Supplement Milk Properly For Pregnant Women

Especially during the fourth week of pregnancy, when the fetus is starting to develop brain, bone and teeth development, it is necessary to supplement the amount of milk needed to ensure adequate nutrition for the baby.
In addition, experts recommend that the best time to drink milk is before pregnancy. From the moment you plan to get pregnant, you need to supplement your milk because it not only promotes health, enhances conception rates.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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