Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

Flatulence, bloating are symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, although not dangerous but uncomfortable for patients. Flatulence, bloating is caused by an increase in the amount of vapor in the digestive tract, due to disorders of starch metabolism or due to fermentation disorders of microorganisms, mainly intestinal bacteria.
Why flatulence, bloating?
There are many causes of flatulence and bloating:
- By eating a lot of starch, the body does not have enough enzyme system to metabolize all. Eating too quickly, not chewing well, swallowing quickly (when drinking water, swallowing vapor into the stomach); eat more fat, spices, stimulants (alcohol, beer, coffee, cigarettes). There are some foods or spices when eaten in the stomach that create a reflex that causes spasms of the lower esophagus to cause belching (belching, garlic

...) or after eating, hurry to sleep immediately

- Due to disorders of motility of the gastrointestinal motility (stomach, intestines), the stomach is always full of food and food is slow to enter the intestine, causing difficulty in digesting food or due to disorders of fluid secretion bile (inflammation, obstruction of the bile duct .

Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

..). Gastroesophageal reflux disease in addition to flatulence, abdominal distention also causes burning behind the sternum, heartburn, belching, belching out the whole country.
- Due to disorders of the bacterial system in the gastrointestinal tract (bacterial disorder) makes food insufficient yeast to metabolize food causing stagnation, fermentation and gas production.
- Due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastric disease (inflammation, peptic ulcer - duodenum, stomach cancer .

Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

), inflammatory bowel disease spasm (irritable bowel syndrome), disease reduces bowel motility caused by flatulence and bloating are also caused by starch fermenting bacteria that persist for a long time in the colon. Do stools for a long time such as constipation or after some gastrointestinal surgery such as gastric, colon ...
- Absorption disorders: In children, cases of abdominal pain that do not find other causes, up to 40% are due to milk absorption disorders.
- Due to diseases of the psychiatric - nervous system: people who are nervous, nervous, experiencing stress can also cause bloating and bloating.
In addition to flatulence, bloating may also be due to patients taking certain medications that affect the normal physiological function of the digestive system (stomach, intestines), such as taking medication for hypothyroidism. , in hypertension or medicine used to treat depression .

Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

Flatulence, bloating is the main expression like?
People with flatulence and gas bloating are born in the process of metabolizing food that does not pass out of the anus (rectum) but back up into the esophagus because the esophageal sphincter relaxes and is taken come out orally by heartburn symptoms.
People with gastrointestinal syndrome, in addition to flatulence, abdominal distention also have belching, heartburn, dull abdominal pain, sometimes nausea or vomiting (due to pyloric stenosis caused stagnation), sometimes loose stools, sometimes thick or sometimes constipated. Abdominal bloating, very clear and flat bowel many times (in normal people, the gas contained in the intestine has about 200ml of gas and is taken out on average about 14-25 times in a day and night according to the anus caused by flatus).
What to do when you have flatulence, bloating?
When you have flatulence, it is necessary to see a doctor to determine the cause. Eating and drinking plays an important role. Need to eat slowly, chew carefully, do not swallow quickly, do not eat too full.

Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

Some foods can cause bloating, so you should avoid eating them (these foods also differ in each person's location).
Eat foods that are easy to digest, limit sour and spicy foods, stimulants like coffee, alcohol, beer, cigarettes. Should limit eating sweets and cakes.
Eat plenty of green vegetables like sweet potato, spinach, jute, and spinach. Daily oral hygiene to avoid deposits of residues in the teeth, in the oral cavity.
After eating, do not rush to lie down or sit for a long time but should move gently.
In addition to meals, you can use your hands to massage the abdomen (to massage) to increase the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, helping to digest food better, avoiding stagnant food for a long time.
There should be a gentle exercise regimen to increase normal peristalsis physiologically appropriately, such as walking, playing badminton, breathing exercises to motivate the diaphragm to increase the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Identify And Treat Bloating And Bloating

Walking is also a relaxing form to eliminate stress..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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