Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

Swallowing pain is a symptom, showing pain when swallowing. The pain may come from the mouth, throat or esophagus. Sometimes, painful swallowing may also be related to laryngeal disease ..


Signs accompanied by painful swallowing
Pain when swallowing can be accompanied by dysphagia despite a normal swallowing reflex and no reflux. Swallowing pain can also be a symptom of a sore mouth, in which case the pain is aggravated by swallowing. Among the causes of stomatitis, sometimes pain spreads to the throat, often accompanied by increased pain when chewing, drinking and swallowing

Pain when swallowing can also be noticed when you take certain foods, like hot food or drinks; May also be accompanied by some minor discomfort and pain manifested in the morning after waking up and easing during the day.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

If hot drinks and food cause pain when swallowing is a sign of damage to the throat, such as inflammation or an ulcer. Morning swallowing may be associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that causes sore throat.
Swallowing pain accompanied by shortness of breath or hoarseness may be a sign of pathology in the larynx or trachea or partial blockage of the throat. In addition, there are some other signs such as abdominal pain, chills, cough, fever, heartburn, nausea or vomiting, heartburn, weight loss, wheezing ... But if you have signs of pain when swallowing and blood in your stools or stools that appear black or like coffee grounds; trouble breathing or dizziness; For weight loss, you should call emergency services or see a doctor as soon as possible

Causes of painful swallowing

Acute or chronic infectious diseases such as stomatitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, laryngitis and esophagitis can lead to painful swallowing.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

This is more pronounced in severe infections and in some cases, dysphagia may also be present. Many patients with an infection of the throat, mouth or esophagus only mention swallowing pain as their main symptom in chronic infection. These infections can cause sores, abscesses or diffuse inflammation. Causes, including:
- Oral candidiasis infection.
- HIV infection as well as opportunistic infections in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV): causes infectious mononucleosis syndrome, with manifestations of myalgia, splenomegaly, sore throat and lymphadenitis in the neck, elevated liver enzymes ...

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

- Epstein-Barr (EBV): a virus that causes an acute infection of the throat and mouth and can lead to throat cancer.
- Acute or chronic pharyngitis.
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV): type HSV1 that causes skin diseases, upper mucous membranes of the body such as eyes, nose, mouth.
Foreign body: damage to the lining of the throat, tonsils, esophagus, as well as partially or completely obstructing these areas, which can lead to painful swallowing, a common cause of herringbone.

Inflammation, ulcers not caused by infection
There are several causes that are not caused by infection but cause inflammation and ulcers in the throat, esophagus. Reason:
- Acid burns, bases, or by drinking hot water.
- By taking medications that cause esophagitis: antibiotics (especially doxycycline), potassium chloride, quinidine, iron sulfate, zidovudine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- Inhale toxic gas.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

- Treatment of cancer by radiation.
- Autoimmune pathology: scleroderma.
- After diagnostic procedures such as bronchoscopy, esophageal endoscopy.
Cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, thyroid, neck, and esophagus can all lead to painful swallowing. This should be considered as a possible cause in high-risk patients such as smoking, especially if painful swallowing is accompanied by dysphagia and unintentional weight loss. Metastasis is also considered by doctors when there is evidence of painful swallowing and / or accompanying swallowing difficulty in a patient with cancer.
Esophageal pathology
Factors affecting the esophagus can cause painful swallowing. Chest pain often manifests as a result of esophageal damage.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

Patients often describe the appearance of signs of pain, especially after swallowing, a number of causes:
- Psychotropic spasms are an unexplained primary esophageal disorder. This pathology is characterized by inadequate muscle relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and loss of esophageal motility.
- Diffuse esophageal spasm: characterized by uneven spasms, spontaneous spasms and swallowing. This is a rare esophageal disease that can cause difficulty swallowing, vomiting and non-cardiac chest pain.
- Septum or esophagus ring: abnormalities in esophageal structure.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
- Inflammation, ulcer or worse esophageal perforation.
- Extra zenker bags.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

Thus, swallowing pain can be a sign of a mild illness, in a short time like a few days will heal like oral mucositis, sore throat ... but also a sign of a serious illness such as cancer, rupture esophagus ... or may persist as a result of esophageal stenosis or stenosis. The prognosis and treatment depend on the cause.

Swallowing Pain Can Be A Sign Of Danger?

(According to SKDS).

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