Viral Fever In Children

Viral fever is a common disease in the summer in children, the disease is easily spread through the respiratory tract with the typical symptoms that children suddenly have a high fever of 39 - 40oC, along with other symptoms such as cough, runny nose, disorder digestion, rash ...
Symptoms of children with viral fever
High fever: This is a common expression in cases of viral fever, usually from 38-39oC, even 40-41oC. In fever, children are often tired and less responsive to common antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol

... When the fever is reduced, children are alert, play normally; Painful body aches: In older children, the muscle pain is common; children often complain of pain all over their bodies
Young children may fuss; headache: some children may have a headache but remain alert, not irritable, struggling.

Viral Fever In Children

Inflammation of the respiratory tract: manifestations of respiratory tract inflammation such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, red throat, etc.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Usually appear early if the cause of fever caused by gastrointestinal virus, can also appear later than a few days after the fever is characterized by liquid, bloody, mucus-free stools.
Lymphadenitis: Especially the head, face and neck lymph nodes are often swollen, painful or visible or palpable.
Rash: Usually appears 2-3 days after fever, rash appears to reduce fever.
Ocular conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis may be red, irritated and watery.
Vomiting: A child may vomit many times but often appears after eating.
Some viruses often cause fever such as: Myxo virus, Coxackie, Entero virus, measles, etc
Virus can be transmitted from person to person, especially viral infection through respiratory, digestive tract, etc.

Viral Fever In Children

, which can cause epidemic. One of the most prominent symptoms of a viral infection is a high fever. In medical terminology it is often called viral fever. The above symptoms usually appear very loudly, after 3-5 days will gradually decrease and disappear, the child returns to health.
Tests show: Leukocytes usually decrease or normal. Normal hemoglobin. CRP <6mg / ml. In some cases, the virus can be isolated from throat fluids or blood.

Viral Fever In Children

Using PCR can help find viruses in oropharyngeal fluids.
Management and prevention of viral fever in children
For most viral illnesses, there is no specific drug, mainly for the treatment of illness, as is the case with viral fever in children. Therefore the usual measures are:
Temperature monitoring: Place the thermometer in the armpit or anus. The thermometer must be held in the armpit for at least 3 minutes, the baby's arm against the chest. Your child's temperature will be the number on the thermometer plus 0.3 - 0.4 degrees. For example, if a thermometer reads 38 ° C, the child's actual body temperature is 38.

Viral Fever In Children

4 ° C.
Antipyretic: Often use paracetamol, apply cool to the child with a cool towel, wipe off the sweat, let the child lie in a cool place, wear thin clothes. Undress, remove blankets for children with high fever.
Wipe with a warm, wet cloth: Use a soft, clean cloth, soak warm water, wipe all over the child; until body temperature drops to 37 ° C. Absolutely do not apply cold water because it will cause higher fever due to peripheral vasoconstriction mechanism.
Anticonvulsant: If your child has a fever higher than 38.5oC, use antipyretics along with anticonvulsants as directed by your doctor, especially those with a history of seizures when high fever.
Rehydration and electrolytes: If a breastfed infant continues to breastfeed more than usual, and give ORS (Oresol) rehydration as directed.

Viral Fever In Children

In case children do not drink, use clean cotton dots to put water on the lips, baby mouth constantly to the lip mucosa, mouth absorbs water, avoiding lack of water and electrolytes.
Anti-superinfection: Clean children, eyes and nose clean with 0.9% natriclorid, avoiding respiratory infections.
Nutrition: Need to pay attention to the diet, children should be diluted as porridge, soup, drink plenty of water, water, fruit juice like oranges, lemons ...
Hygiene: Clean children's body, bathe with warm water in a closed room.
Note: Children should be taken to the health center immediately when there are the following signs: when a child has a fever higher than 38.

Viral Fever In Children

5oC, especially above 39oC, but the fever-reducing medicine does not meet. Drowsiness, lethargy, excessive sleep, convulsions, persistent and progressive headache, nausea, vomiting many times, fever lasting for more than 5 days.
Viral fever is easy to cause outbreaks, so when an infected child needs to be isolated from other children and keep them warm. Children should not be sick to school because they are easily transmitted to many other children. Among the diseases caused by the virus are currently vaccinated against diseases such as Japanese encephalitis, measles, mumps, Rubella, parents should take their children for immunization on schedule at health facilities. Immunization is the best preventive measure currently, not only for the children themselves but also for the whole community.
(According to SKDS).

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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