The Method Of Contraception By Counting Days In The Menstrual Cycle

The method of contraception calculated by this cycle only applies to people who have regular menstrual period and the cycle is not too long (only about 28 -30 days). If the period is not regular and too long, this method has a high risk of bankruptcy.
1. Indication: For people with regular menstruation The method of contraception calculated by this cycle only applies to people who have regular menstrual period and the cycle is not too long (only about 28 -30 days). If the period is not regular and too long, this method has a high risk of bankruptcy

2. Principle
- Ova (eggs after ovulation) only live for 12 hours if not fertilized will die. Therefore, counting from the day of ovulation backwards after 1 day and for more certainty, going back 2 days will not be able to conceive

- Sperm live only 48 hours: 3 days after ovulation will not be able to conceive.

The Method Of Contraception By Counting Days In The Menstrual Cycle

- It is important to determine the date of ovulation: According to Knaaus and Ogino, in a woman with a 28-day menstrual cycle, the ovule may fall from day 11 to day 16 after the first day of menstruation in the previous cycle; In other words, on the 17th to the 12th day of the next cycle, 6 days plus 3 days ago, and 2 more days later including 11 days of fertilization, called unsafe day.
- So from the first day of menstruation, the unsafe time is calculated from the 8th to the 18th day and the opposite is the 20th to the 10th day before menstruation.
In terms of contraceptive implications, the 28-day menstrual cycle is divided into three sections
- Previous part: from day 1 to day 7: relative safety
- The middle part: from the 8th to the 18th day: The day is not safe - The last part: From the 18th to the 28th day: Absolutely safe However, many people still do not completely agree with the views of the two authors This assumption is due to the fact that the ovule can be released without menstruation, or there may be non-menopause cycles; or the ovule may fall at any time; or a cycle may have a lot of ovulation. But they also have to admit that in 75% of cases the statement of Knaaus and Oginol is correct.
3. How to apply
- With the principle that the second half of ovulation time is less changed compared to the previous half, it is possible to make a spreadsheet available in long and short cycles. - If the cycle has a constant number of days, you only need to look in a horizontal line, for example, if your regular cycle is 30 days, the day of ovulation will likely fall between the 10th and the 20th
- If In the case of a circular chain within the year, you can take the shortest cycle and the longest cycle to calculate as follows: For example: The shortest period of 26 days minus 20 is 6 The longest cycle is 30 days.

The Method Of Contraception By Counting Days In The Menstrual Cycle

minus 10 is 20 so the unsafe period will be from the 6th to the 20th day.
4. Advantages
Easy to disseminate, easy to apply, no media required, inexpensive, long-term application, no time limit and no impact on health and fertility.
5. Disadvantages - Only apply to people who have regular or irregular cycle. - Contraceptive effect is not high because the ovule may be abnormal. - Not suitable for couples with high frequency of intercourse. - Cannot be considered as a large contraceptive method.

The Method Of Contraception By Counting Days In The Menstrual Cycle

If you are not sure, use a daily pill or a condom.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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