The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Transmission from parents to children is the unexpected risk. It is formed when the mother is pregnant, it is very dangerous for the baby if the disease is not prevented or detected in time.
Transmission is caused by genetic or chromosomal abnormalities from parent to child, not by environmental impact. There are many parent-to-child transmission diseases, so parents need to be well-equipped to limit the risk of infection to their children.
14 diseases transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy
There are many diseases that can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, birth and even at birth

. Some common diseases are hepatitis B, Rubella, gonorrhea, group B streptococcal infection, herpes (herpes), genital warts, fungi of genital organs; Chlammydia disease, flagellum disease, HIV infection ..

Is the situation can not stop bleeding when the hand was cut or slightly scratched, if not controlled in time will be very dangerous.

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Hematologic haemorrhage is an inherited condition related to the X chromosome and is common in boys.
If one parent has type 1 diabetes, the genetic rate is 25%; with type 2 diabetes is 15% - 35%. In case both parents have the disease, this rate is 50% - 70%.
Congenital hemolytic disease
This is a common blood inherited disease in children if one parent is sick, or both carry the gene. Normally, this gene dives on chromosomes, meaning that the carrier has no physiological expression, it only manifests when the two diseased genes combine. Then the ability to transmit disease to the child up to 75%.
If one parent is nearsighted, the chances of having a child are nearsighted
Especially for parents with myopia from 6 diodes or more, the rate of inheritance to children will be higher.

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Color blindness
The manifestation of the disease is indistinguishable from the colors, what is visible will be only two black and white. If a mother carries the disease gene, a son will be susceptible to color blindness, if both parents have the gene, a baby girl will be susceptible.
Hepatitis B
The disease can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding period. When the mother is transmitted, the child usually has few symptoms ... The baby's liver can be large, hurt and bleed easily. If severe, death can occur.

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Therefore, if the mother is not infected and plans to become pregnant, she should be vaccinated against hepatitis B. If the mother is infected, the baby will be protected with immune globulin and the vaccine after birth.
If a mother is infected with Rubella in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the risk of the baby is very high. Therefore, it should be vaccinated 3 months before pregnancy or at least 1 month.
An untreated gonorrhea mother will infect a baby within the first week after birth. Sticky eyes cannot open, puffy. If untreated, children will be easily blinded by ulcers or corneal scars ..

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

. Therefore, gynecological experts often advise women with gonorrhea to treat and then get pregnant. Group B streptococcal infection: when infected with group B streptococcal infection, children may develop pneumonia, meningitis, septicemia, herpes or osteoarthritis. If treated, 50% of children with bacterial infections may clear up.
If the child is infected from the mother, it will be affected to many extent such as there may be a partial body or body injury. shortness of breath and possibly seizures ...

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Other parts may be damaged such as liver, spleen, eyes ..
Genital warts
Infection can occur during pregnancy or birth. Lesions usually develop in the vulva, penis and anus. Most cases go away on their own but can also recur. Giving treatment before pregnancy is a good advice for gynecologists.
Fungal infection during pregnancy
Although it is not serious, it often makes children uncomfortable, itchy and fussy. The fungus usually develops in the tongue and the oral mucosa into white clusters or genitals.

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Disease caused by Chlamydia
Infected children may develop neonatal eye infection, pneumonia and ear infections. Inflammation of the eye usually occurs about 2 weeks after birth. If left untreated, the disease can become chronic, recur easily, and may leave scarring in the cornea.
Whip infection
Babies with a whip infection have vaginal discharge or vaginal itching, irritability, irritability, poor feeding and often fussing.
HIV infection
Babies can be infected during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.
Measures to prevent genetic diseases from parents to children best
"Mother and baby children" is what all parents are pregnant when they want. It will be very sad and depressing if the baby is not born healthy. According to specialists, the best measure to prevent from parents to children is to have regular health check-ups.

The Disease Spreads From Mother To Child During Pregnancy

Pre-marital health examination for parents
At prenatal check-ups, parents are consulted and equipped with sufficient knowledge before planning to become pregnant, helping prevent genetic diseases as well as birth defects for their future children. From there the doctors.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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