Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

For ordinary people, it is also important to pay attention to, but for pregnant women, taking any medicine must be very careful because it is only used improperly can cause serious complications. hazard to the fetus.
I need to know how to distinguish drugs and supplements
During pregnancy to supplement the necessary nutritional content for the body, many pregnant women have come to the functional foods to help improve health. But not everyone can easily distinguish between drugs and supplements that lead to abuse or improper use.
Accordingly, functional foods are foods that support and supplement the functions of the body's organs with the main effect of nutritional supplements and health promotion

. Often consumers can completely refer and drink without a doctor's order.
As for the drug, the ingredients in the drug will directly affect the metabolism, help repair and improve the damage of the parts of the body. Therefore, the use of the drug must be based on the dose as well as the time of use during the day, so it is necessary to have a doctor's appointment to ensure safety

Whether taking a supplement or a medicine, pregnant women should consult with their doctors, making sure that their use will not cause any adverse health effects for themselves and their health.

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

baby in the womb.
Whether taking a supplement or a medicine, pregnant women should consult a doctor
How to take medication during pregnancy can affect the unborn baby
Each group of antibiotics is used to respond to the treatment of different medical conditions. Sometimes using antibiotics also have some side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, allergies ... or more dangerous than anaphylaxis and even death if not emergency in time.
Most antibiotics that enter a woman's body cross the placental barrier and affect the fetus directly
The degree of influence will depend on the type of antibiotic, the dose and duration of use.

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

Using antibiotics in the first 3 months is likely to cause birth defects. Especially in the first 11 weeks, the impact will be even higher.
In the period from 14 weeks onwards to the end of pregnancy, the use of the drug may also cause fetal toxicity.
Principles of drug use for pregnant women
In the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women absolutely do not use all drugs. In addition, the second half of the menstrual cycle, from ovulation to menstruation, should avoid using drugs because this is the period of high fertility. Because some drugs have a very slow accumulation and elimination, they may not conceive at the time of drinking, but at the time of conception, the drug will remain in the body, causing an adverse effect on the pregnancy.
In the later stages, the mother also elected to minimize medication. Should choose non-pharmacological treatments.

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

For example, when you have a headache, you should massage, relax ... to get rid of a headache or use paracetamol. If constipated, drink plenty of water, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits before taking laxatives. Remember, although there is a safe medicine for pregnant women, it is still limited to use.
Pregnant women need to limit medication during pregnancy
In cases where medication is required, listen to your doctor's advice and use the medication only when indicated. Because the doctor will carefully consider the impact of the drug on the fetus as well as giving the lowest dose in a short time to minimize the risk of the drug to the fetus.

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

If you unfortunately use the medicine before you know you should be pregnant, you should immediately see a doctor to be carefully monitored and receive direct advice.
Drugs that are harmful to the unborn baby are absolutely not to be taken
Tetracycline group causes tooth enamel damage
People often use antibiotics tetracycline group (tetracycline, doxycylin, minocyclin ...) to treat diarrhea due to cholera, dysentery, E.coli infection. Other digestive infections are also very sensitive to this antibiotic. This is also a common antibiotic, its price is low.

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

It was found that if a mother became pregnant on the seventh month of pregnancy on tetracycline, the baby was born with a broken tooth enamel, yellowish gray or tainted with enamel. That's because tetracycline combines closely with calcium to form an extremely stable complex.
Aminoglycosides cause permanent deafness
Antibiotics aminoglycosides (gentamicin, amikacin, neomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin ...) are often used in the treatment of ear, nose - throat infections, abdominal infections, meningococcal infections. In particular, the drug is often chosen when pneumonia occurs. The drug is also used to make eye drops such as tobra, tobrex .

Watch Out For Ketoconazole Anti-fungal Birth Defects

.. For women who are pregnant or about to become pregnant do not use these drugs. The reason is that the drug can cause kidney damage and poison the baby's inner ear (causing deafness not to recover).
Quinolones cause cartilage damage
This is a broad spectrum antibiotic group with active ingredients.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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