Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

Bloating and bloating are common symptoms that many people experience after every meal, causing many troubles in daily life. Here are some quick and effective tips to get rid of bloating.
What is flatulence and bloating?
Flatulence, bloating may be caused by unscientific eating habits or as a result of some diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, gallstones, kidney stones ..

Abdominal bloating is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms such as dull abdominal pain, belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness, abdominal discomfort.
When experiencing bloating symptoms, the patient needs to identify what is the cause, so that appropriate treatment is taken from there.
The cause of flatulence
Causes of bloating include:
- Because the body is loaded with too much protein, flour, sugar, and grease, the stomach cannot digest it, resulting in a backlog in the digestive tract
Eat a lot of hot spicy food, drink a lot of alcohol, coffee, stimulants, eat chew not carefully, eat right away .

Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

.. make the intestinal overload not handle all food and cause bloating. .
Eating too much protein, flour, sugar, oil makes it impossible for your stomach to digest
- Due to digestive disorders, edema or ascites, dehydration, constipation, food allergies.
- Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.
- Gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcer, infection, ileus, colon cancer

Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

- Using antibiotics, analgesic causes strong reduction of beneficial bacteria while the development of harmful bacteria causes bloating.
Tips for treating flatulence, bloating according to folklore
If you are facing bloating, here are some tips to try:
In addition to being a popular spice used in food processing, garlic also helps treat indigestion very effectively. Usage as follows:
Method 1: Peeled garlic 30g, crushed, mixed with 5g alum sugar or sugar. Mix with 60ml of warm boiling water (from 40-50 degrees) in 2 divided doses during the day.
Method 2: Bake a garlic bulb and wrap in a thin gauze, place on the navel of the person with bloating, this way helps farting so that they feel more comfortable.
Garlic is a spice that helps to treat bloating effectively
Cinnamon is a famous medicine that can treat bloating and indigestion. Usage as follows:
Method 1: Boil 250ml of water, add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to dissolve in water.

Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

Decant drinking water after eating.
Method 2: Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder in a glass of warm milk and drink when bloating.
Ginger is a drug that is mentioned a lot about healing effects, including bloating, digestive disorders, detoxification ... How to use ginger to combat bloating is as follows:
Method 1: Take sips of hot water with a few slices of ginger.
Method 2: Drinking hot ginger tea right after eating will help reduce indigestion
Method 3: Wash fresh ginger smashed into a cup of hot water soak for about 30 minutes and then add 1 teaspoon of honey stirring, drink 2-3 times a day after meals.
Abdominal massage
Rub your abdomen evenly in a clockwise direction from the right flank to the left, down, right and then return to the starting point until you burp.

Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

Can apply a little more hot oil on the abdomen to rub to increase the effect.
Massgage could properly repel bloating
Some yoga poses can help you quickly get rid of the discomfort caused by bloating. The exercises are as follows:
Exercise 1: Bow pose
Lie flat on your side, hands and feet straight
With knees bent and slowly bringing the torso upwards, the hands clutching the ankles constitute a bow-shaped posture.
Take 5 deep breaths and then relax
Repeat the movement 10 times
Exercise 2: Posture air
Lie on your back on the training ground
Bend your knees up and bring your hands together, ill, close to your chest
Swing your left knee to the right then rhythmically
Bring the person back to their original position, rest for a few seconds and repeat the same action a few more times
Ice pack
Using a hot compress and applying gentle pressure to the abdomen, will help reduce bloating effectively. Or you can put boiling water in a bottle and screw the stopper tight, then gently apply on the abdomen. Gently rolling the water bottle around the abdomen will help to improve bloating.
Chrysanthemum tea
In chamomile contains natural anti-inflammatory active ingredients, soothes the lining of the stomach and intestines, reducing gas. You take a little dried or fresh chrysanthemum for teapot and then pour boiling water on.

Tips For Treating Flatulence And Bloating

Close the lid for 15 minutes and immediately have a delicious cup of tea.
Chamomile contains natural anti-inflammatory active ingredients, soothes the lining of the stomach and intestines, reducing gas
Apple cider
Apple cider not only helps lower blood fat, antibacterial, dysentery treatment but also has the ability to inhibit E.coli bacillus which causes bloating and flatulence.
Usage: Take with 1 - 2 cups of cat cider soaked for 1-2 months. A few mint leaves can be chewed before eating. Use this way 1-2 days will feel remarkably effective.
Guava leaves
Guava leaves can help treat bloating quite effectively by tr.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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