Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

The current climate change has changed the weather, sometimes there are "weather mutations" that the adaptability of the human body does not regulate itself, giving rise to "weather angle" diseases. ”On the nervous system. Particularly sensitive areas such as the head, face, neck may appear unexpected diseases due to colds that need vigilance and proper treatment.
Sa mi
In the face area, there may appear "prolapse" causing the upper eyelid to collapse, trying to open the eye as well as the good eye. In fact, this mi mi is not only a cosmetic loss, but it is also a precursor to some neurological diseases

If it is a "symptomatic prolapse" then it may be cured if treated promptly. If the eyelid comes after working too long, taking a short rest, eyes closed as usual.
But it is not a simple common disease
Neurologists often think of the eyelid prolapse when this eye opening is the first sign of myasthenia gravis or thymus tumor requiring surgery.

Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

If sa mi does not recover after resting eyes, and is accompanied by a number of other neurological symptoms, it is necessary to think of a drive of this lesion as brain tumor or hemorrhagic foci or gangrene due to anemia ...
Do not let the cold numb the nerves
If you expose the smooth cheeks, too long before the abnormal cold mutations, you will suffer from very complex facial pain that is difficult to treat and last. Firstly, we have to mention the three-pinched nerve pain, this is the cranial nerve V, a large nerve with very rich and sensitive sensory structure.
Tama nerve pain is very typical, the pain on the side of the face is intense, there is a sense of pain like an electric discharge, throbbing pain, lightning-like pain, especially with light touch. the area on the face with a towel or the breeze blowing through might explode like that

There is also paroxysmal syndromes with symptoms: pain such as cutting in the forehead, temples, jaw .

Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

.. Hemiplegia due to damage to the cranial nerve VII has the function of dominating the subcutaneous muscles of the face , emotional expression (happy, sad, angry ...).
Half face is distorted on one side, there are two types: if peripheral lesions are manifestations of hemiplegia, unable to close the eyelid gap (glaring open eyes), mouth distorted to one side, laughing more clearly "Distorted face".
If due to central lesions, there will only show the lower quadrant of the face.

Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

This is a very important sign, often accompanied by a number of other neurological symptoms that are in the brain in an area where the lesion is located, which needs to be diagnosed early.
Protect the two temples from Horton
There are shallow temporal arteries, which are very sensitive to external influences, especially "cold mutations". In the beginning of spring, if the cheeks and temples are covered, what is the charming beauty of the face of youth? Of course, not all seals, but depending on the conditions and circumstances of each person that has different protections.
And to avoid the disease, also need to know. There is a type of temporal artery inflammation that is intense pain in the temporal area where the artery is inflamed, touching, touching the artery, noticing that the artery is tight, large, bulging, bouncing, and is very painful. This pain if treated early will cure no sequelae.
It should also be added that there is a very difficult disease, sometimes life-threatening, irreversible blindness if not treated promptly and properly. It is the "giant cell arteritis" also known as Horton disease.

Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

The lesions are usually localized mainly in the temporal arteries and sometimes localized in large arteries in the vital organs of the body. This disease arises due to its own cause, mechanism. The cold factor may be just a favorable condition for the onset of the disease.
Only through a cold draft, suddenly there are unusual movements, unable to control itself. The soul window now "winks" repeatedly or distorted one side of the face automatically pulls out one side of the face, completely erasing the graceful "dimples" on the smooth lips, trying not to hold back .
These involuntary movements are increased due to emotional factors, fatigue and disappearance during sleep. It is Tics, a mechanical device that is easy to diagnose but difficult to treat.
In more complicated cases, Tics (mechanical muscle) in the face is characterized by severe pain like lightning, usually triggered by eating, drinking, talking .

Room 5 Disease Susceptible To Sudden Cold Mutation

.. touching some areas. exploding on one side of the face. Next to the pain are spasms of the facial muscles, usually lasting only 1-2 minutes and ending abruptly afterwards followed by tears and drooling.
"Weather corner" disease and general disorders
Spring "weather corner" disease is more dangerous, more serious than systemic diseases such as cerebral circulatory disorders, cardiovascular - cardiovascular disorders, exacerbation of hypertension.
Disorders of cerebral circulation manifested in varying degrees from temporary ischemic syndrome leading to cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), severe will cause cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, mildly foci Small, if a large artery in the brain breaks, it can.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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