Things Women Like In Men

You have fun
All women like happy, adventurous men who like to do unusual and even dangerous things. Such men immediately became attractive and attractive. She will be completely obsessed with you - a cheerful, cheerful guy, giving her moments of joy and not making phone calls, flirting with her all day.
Humor is especially exciting. If you can make her laugh, you can make things go your way

. Sometimes people confuse what it means to be funny. They became arrogant, too much. Remember that proper self-confidence and a natural sense of humor attract women

You know about wines and famous movies? Do you have a fashion sense? You often try new foods? You open the door and pull the chair for her? All this will be great to show your courtesy and subtlety without being bragged and boring.

Things Women Like In Men

The men who know what they want and pursue to the end are always very attractive. But don't become too bold, intimate with her that makes her uncomfortable, or go beyond the limits she sets. The assertive attitude she wants to see is that when you set goals, you pursue with great passion.
Romance is not what you think. She did not dream about the white horse prince. Learn to grasp the psychology of women and you will become a hero. Instead of just looking at her face, look at her soul to see the beautiful things

Imagine situations you can use to quote a few verses, tell an interesting story or thrilling historical details and express your thoughts and feelings to her.

Things Women Like In Men

Women also have desires like men. They fall in love with experienced men and know how to make them happy, giving them new experiences. So, read the sex knowledge book, watch the sex education movie and do whatever it takes to succeed with her.
This is a secret weapon. Women know how to get whatever they want from a man, so don't try to impress her with gifts. Impress by taking the time to help others, such as philanthropy, helping the less fortunate, volunteering for a charity or a kitchen of love. Invite her to. She will see you doing meaningful things and her heart will flutter.

Things Women Like In Men

In this way, you also love life more because you have done useful things.
More than gifts and compliments, she wanted to see you thinking about her. You just say you don't like her to hang out with other men, she is also extremely excited because you think you're jealous.
Remember: Women don't accidentally dress sexy. If she does her hair very carefully, this is intentional. Women are often impressed by observant men who recognize their changes. Do not let her try to attract your attention before praising her.
Know the challenge
Women are beautiful works of nature and there are dozens of men pursuing them every day.

Things Women Like In Men

If you want to excel, challenge her. If you are indifferent and distant, if you make her think that you call because you're depressed and that your actions are completely carefree, she will try to show herself well. to attract your attention. Gradually she "crazy" and obsessed for you, though will never admit this.
Don't risk your life to be smart Intelligence can be very appealing as long as you know how to be humble and interesting. Surprise her with funny ideas, unexpected actions. A high level of education is advantageous if used wisely. If you're an expert in any field, show humbly: "Do you know a little bit about this, let me tell you?", Don't let her think you mean: "I'm too smart.

Things Women Like In Men

, talented and you are a beautiful, silly doll. " In fact, many women feel uncomfortable with highly educated men, so act with caution..

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