7 Incredible Facts About The Stomach

Discovering the truth about your stomach will be helpful for anyone considering a diet or anyone with stomach problems. Like every human body, the stomach is a complex part of the biological apparatus and performs a variety of functions in life. For anyone who cares about their health and diet, here are seven surprising facts about the stomach:
Digestion does not take place in the stomach
The large intestine is responsible for digesting the food we eat. The stomach is more like a food mixer. Food in the stomach is mixed with acids and enzymes and transferred to the large intestine, where the food is processed into energy products, fats or waste products

You cannot shrink your stomach
There is a common myth that if you cut down on your food intake, your stomach will shrink and so you won't feel hungry. In fact, your stomach reaches the size needed for an adult and therefore, unless you opt for surgery to shrink the stomach, if not, its size will not decrease or shrink. again

Your stomach can't shrink by itself even if you cut back on your diet
The size of the stomach is not related to body size or weight
One of the interesting facts about the stomach, especially considering the correlation with the importance of eating, is that there is no relationship between body weight and stomach size.

7 Incredible Facts About The Stomach

An inherently thin person may also have a stomach size (even larger) than those who are overweight and struggling to control weight.
Weight gain is not due to stomach control
You've probably heard many times that you shouldn't eat too much before you go to bed and it's better to eat a lot during the day and exercise before bed to burn calories.
Eating before bed can cause bloating, heartburn and indigestion, but the reality of the stomach is that it is 'designed' to handle food at the right time in accordance with the amount of food. The weight gained or lost is not determined by a stomach watch, it depends on the calories you consume compared to the calories burned.
The stomach has an inner acid layer
The stomach is filled with hydrochloric acid, which is important for digestion. Stomach acid is formed in gastric parietal cells and interacts with an important enzyme called pepsin. Pepsin is the basic enzyme in breaking down proteins
It also works to stimulate other enzymes and carbohydrates and fats.

7 Incredible Facts About The Stomach

Hydrochloric acid also helps to keep rid of upset bacteria in the stomach.
The stomach contains an acid layer to aid in easier digestion of food
The stomach can 'process' everything
The stomach can handle anything you want it to 'handle'. The brain of the stomach knows exactly how to handle small pieces whether it is fragments of gorgeous white mushrooms or other tough, chewy foods.
The acids and enzymes cause these foods to be crushed and processed into soluble or insoluble types to be transferred to the next processing unit.
Exercise cannot change the size of the stomach
The fact is, the stomach is also an organ. Exercises cannot affect the size of the organs including the size of the stomach. Exercise can only burn fat and tone muscles. While most of us know that our bodies can form fat around our organs, so when you exercise and eat a healthy diet you can manage your fat in the body.

7 Incredible Facts About The Stomach

That's why some people have such a slim waist.
A healthy diet and regular exercise will give the stomach the best opportunity to do the right thing and do its job well..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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