Eliminate Unpleasant Body Odor

The sweat glands, oily glands, bacteria, dead cells ... will form a specific smell of the body. Depending on the location of the body, the body smell emits a pleasant aroma, while in others the body odor makes people around

. If unfortunately your body is not fragrant, do not be too sad. Find out where the culprit of the discomfort lurks and then overpower them. According to studies, body odor often comes from the following 3 "special points":
Eliminate bad breath
The odor is caused by a breath containing sulfur or fatty acids
The cause of breathing in the above mentioned substances is due to the small amount of saliva secreted; due to parasitic bacteria in the mouth; due to oral hygiene and food; due to the drug.

Eliminate Unpleasant Body Odor

Half of those who suffer from bad breath are due to gum disease, stomatitis, tongue, gum disease, tonsillitis, stuffiness or decreased salivation; sinusitis, nasal disease, tracheostomy; diabetes; urea (blood with an odor of ammonia); liver bottle (garlic or rotten egg smell); nephrotic (fishy smell); diseases related to stomach, pyloric stenosis, esophageal cleft ...
The solution to this problem is clean oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Cleaning interdental teeth with floss, using mouthwash and daily tongue cleaning also helps you eliminate odor caused by bacteria. Treatment of diseases of the mouth and nose

Deodorize foot odor
The odor is usually caused by bacteria, fungi in the legs, especially in people with foot dermatitis, sweat in the feet much.

Eliminate Unpleasant Body Odor

Among the perpetrators, foot sweat is at No. 1.

Due to the large amount of sweat, feet can easily get dirty, odor-causing bacteria can multiply faster. To get rid of foot odor, you must first find a way to prevent your feet from sweating, which is: open toe shoes or sandals for ventilation. Wear cotton socks and change them regularly, and change your shoes every day to keep them dry. Washing your feet with warm water (or soaking your feet in salt or vinegar water is also effective). Use a very soft silk brush to clean the toes, then dry your feet with a clean towel, apply talcum powder to keep your feet dry.
Eliminate armpit odor
Mucous sweat glands are found in the armpits and genital areas, which begin to develop at puberty, become active during childbearing years and decrease activity at age.

Eliminate Unpleasant Body Odor

In addition to sweat like water sweat, glycogen, cholesterol, ammonia compounds, fatty acids, etc.The organizational decomposition has been sweated by bacteria and fungi, creating a combination of odor in the armpits. It is very difficult to smell.

If you have a slight armpit odor, just regularly use aromatic soap and warm water to wash your armpits, then apply aromatherapy powder.If there is still a smell, use sour alum to blend into powder to deodorize armpits.
Currently on the market there are many types of cosmetic deodorants in the form of spray, wax, or roller. Formulations of this include bacteria killers, antiperspirants and odor-arresting ingredients. They work with underarm odorants to form an odorless compound.

Eliminate Unpleasant Body Odor

Use spray, or roll under armpits 2 times / day, when used, maintain once a day..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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