Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

What should abstain after caesarean section to heal wounds quickly and leave no sequelae is a question that many women are concerned because caesarean section creates large invasive on the mother's body, if the infection will be very dangerous.
How long does it take to abstain from women having a caesarean?
People often liken the painful labor process to breaking 20 ribs at the same time. For women having cesarean section, the incision is very long and deep so after the anesthetic is over, the mother will feel extremely painful. If not abstinence carefully, the incision not only takes a long time to recover but also can become infected and leave long-term consequences so the pregnant mother needs to pay special attention.
Usually, obstetricians advise pregnant mothers to abstain for about 42 days after caesarean section

. However, if the abstinence is longer, then the mother will not feel pain every time the wind returns to the sky and the time of abstinence after caesarean section will have to be longer than the usual pregnant women.
What should abstain after cesarean?
After the caesarean section, the mother should abstain from some of the following issues so that the incision will recover quickly, and the mother will get well soon so that she can take care of the baby best.
Do not lie flat on your back
Postpartum postpartum position for women having a caesarean section is very important
Immediately after birth, the mother should lie on her back to stabilize the incision.

Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

When the anesthetic is gone, she should lie on her side because if she lies on her back for a long time on the plane, the uterus will contract more strongly and she will feel extremely painful. When lying down, mom should have thin pillows behind her back to feel more comfortable.
Caesarean section causes mothers to lose much health so need to abstain carefully to recover quickly
Not lying in one place for too long
After the caesarean section, women are often advised to rest so as not to affect the incision. However, moms should not stay in one place for too long. About 24 hours after giving birth, moms should try to get up and move gently to activate the digestive system to work again, and help prevent venous congestion and intestinal adhesion very dangerous.
If you are unable to get up and move around, change your position occasionally, and massage your wrists and soles of your feet to allow blood to flow better.
Do not eat too full after surgery
Caesarean section takes away a lot of maternal strength so usually after birth the mother is very hungry and wants to eat a lot to recover
However, it is not always good to eat full food because the operation, intestines and stomach wall of the mother are affected making the digestion of food less effective.

Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

So, if you eat too much will cause food to accumulate and cause constipation, flatulence.
In addition, eating too full also affects the incision due to the stomach enlargement causes pressure on the abdomen skin and the incision so that stretch, causing pain, lasting healing, even causing bleeding at the incision.
Do not take a cold shower
This is the abstinence after the caesarean birth must be followed. After birth, the woman's body is very weak so it is easy to get cold and infection. Therefore, mother absolutely should not take a cold shower, especially at night or drinking cold water because it will cause damage to the body. Ideally, moms should shower and drink warm water to ensure safety.
You should shower after giving birth in the shower, limiting soaking in the tub. After showering, she needs to dry her body with a soft towel.

Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

Pay attention to the incision to avoid infection.
Abstain from fishy and oily food
After birth, the mother's entire body is weakened, including the digestive system. Therefore, if mothers eat fishy food, a lot of grease will create a burden on the stomach, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence. When abdominal pain will cause stomach and abdominal cramps and affect the incision, causing pain. Ideally, after giving birth mom should eat easily digestible food.
After the caesarean section, women should abstain from greasy, spicy foods
In addition, fishy, oily food also reduces the quality of milk and indirectly harms the baby's digestive system, causing children to have diarrhea, constipation. The baby's digestive system is very weak at this time, so moms need to pay special attention.
After the caesarean section, mothers should abstain from foods such as fish, crabs, snails, sour fruits like lemon, sour oranges, spices with hot properties such as pepper, chili .

Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

Do not work too early
After birth, the mother should put all the work aside, focus on resting, recovering the body to take care of the baby. Therefore, mothers should not work early, limiting exercise because early movement makes the wound heal longer, the pressure of work makes her stressed, causing loss of milk ...
Clean the genital area
Not only after giving birth, women should clean the genital area at any time to avoid infection. Mother should wash her vulva 3 times a day with a hygiene solution prescribed by a doctor, do not arbitrarily use the type of solution with a pH that is too high, causing imbalance in the natural environment of the vagina, easily leading to lesions and invading bacteria.

Postpartum Abstinence Necessary?

Mothers should wear underwear with 100% cotton absorbent to keep the pussy dry. Do not wear too tight underwear. If your vagina is swollen or you have any unusual signs, you need to see a doctor right away.
Having sex early
Although a caesarean section does not affect the genitals, the mother should not have sex too soon. The reason is that the incision and the mother's body take a long time to recover. Early sexual intercourse will cause friction and the body will also have to stretch to cause wounds and stretches.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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