Pregnant Consultant In 40s?

Women who give birth late have the advantage of being more mature in thinking as well as economically stable. At this time, the woman has conditions and knowledge to take good care of her children more than the young mothers. There are cases of late childbirth but both mother and child are healthy. However, one can not deny that women who give birth late may present many worrying risks for both the mother and the fetus.
The potential risk of late childbirth
Older women will experience certain health conditions that can cause complications before and during pregnancy, including:
The number of eggs decreased
Women will have a certain number of eggs, at puberty will have about 400,000 eggs and each ovulation will release one egg about 14 days before menstruation, so the number of eggs will decrease gradually year old

Therefore, as women age, there will be fewer and fewer eggs and the quality of eggs will decline, it is not easy to fertilize with male sperm, making it difficult for pregnancy and requiring intervention. of fertility treatments.
Gestational diabetes
This is a disorder of blood sugar tolerance leading to excessively high blood sugar levels during pregnancy
Gestational diabetes can cause problems for both mom and baby such as:
Premature labor or prenatal problems
The rate of preterm birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy is higher
The risk of pre-eclampsia
Newborns have hypoglycemia or jaundice, yellowing of the eyes after birth
Mom is at risk for future type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High blood pressure is when the force of blood hitting the walls of blood vessels is too high, the blood pressure reading is greater than or equal to 130 / 80mm Hg.

Pregnant Consultant In 40s?

Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy have many potential risks including:
Decreased blood flow to the placenta: this condition leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, resulting in growth retardation and low birth weight
Premature detachment: a condition in which the placenta separates early from the woman's uterus, resulting in the fetus suffocating due to lack of oxygen and bleeding.
The risk of preterm birth
The mother is at risk of future cardiovascular disease
HELLP syndrome is associated with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet counts.
The risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy is higher in women who are pregnant late in pregnancy
This condition can occur after the 20th week of pregnancy or shortly after pregnancy. That is when a pregnant woman has high blood pressure and signs of liver, kidney damage, bleeding, even fetal failure, fetal death in the womb. Pregnant after age 40 will have a higher risk of pre-eclampsia than women of childbearing age.
Pre-eclampsia will lead to many dangerous complications for both the mother and the fetus, namely:
For mothers, an increased risk of placental abruption, cardiovascular disease, impaired hepatic function, coagulopathy, HELLP syndrome, acute renal failure, acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, the most serious death for pregnant women.
For the fetus, pre-eclampsia causes premature birth, malnutrition or stillbirth from the womb

Premature birth
This is when your baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnant Consultant In 40s?

Premature babies have more health problems than babies born on time, leading to a range of complications such as:
Children with respiratory failure, bronchopulmonary dysplasia due to immature respiratory system
The ductus arteriosus (PDA) and low blood pressure
High risk of brain bleeding (cerebral hemorrhage), if excessive flow will cause permanent brain injury
Children who lose body heat quickly due to a lack of fat will lead to breathing problems and low blood sugar.
The digestive system in preterm infants is incomplete resulting in complications of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
Anemia and neonatal jaundice
Having problems in metabolism
The underdeveloped immune system makes children more susceptible to infections
In the long term, children will suffer from other complications such as cerebral palsy, poor intelligence, sensory problems, behavioral and psychological development, etc.
Light weight
The risk of increasing the rate of low birth weight babies includes multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets or more), the age of the mother. Older women are more likely to give birth to low birth weight than younger women
Older pregnant women will lead to low birth weight
Birth defects
A birth defect is a genetic or physical defect in the fetus that affects pregnancy, childbirth and the baby after birth.
A birth defect changes the shape or function of one or more parts of the body, and it can cause overall health problems, the way the body grows or the way the body works. Older women are more likely to have birth defects than younger women.
Types of birth defects can be classified according to the functional structure and development of young children.
By structure, function: heart defect, cleft lip or palate, spina bifida, clubfoot .

Pregnant Consultant In 40s?

According to the development: intelligence, metabolism, sensory problems, nervous system such as Down's disease, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis.
Age of high pregnant women will probably be difficult.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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