Calcium – Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

Calcium has 99% of bones and teeth to help the development and maintenance of these two organs work. It is only 1% present in the blood, soft tissue but has other important significance ...
Demand and harm due to lack of calcium
With the fetus, the newborn
Each day of pregnancy needs at the beginning of 350mg, between 150mg, late 150 - 450mg calcium

. Every day adults need 800mg (according to WHO). But many studies show that most of them are lower: in the US, white women 640 mg, black women 452mg; in China, for men and women in big cities, 600mg, for rural 378mg; In Vietnam, about 400mg of calcium is needed. Every day a pregnant mother needs 1,000-1,200mg

When calcium - the blood is low, according to the "natural reflex", the parathyroid glands increase parathyroid secretion to dissolve the insoluble calcium of the bone into soluble form, released into the bloodstream, providing the fetus but this response lies only in limit.

Calcium - Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

As a result, when the mother is deficient in calcium, the fetus will lack calcium, leading to: rickets, congenital malformations; hypocalcaemia - blood at birth with manifestations of muscle contraction, convulsions, even breathlessness, respiratory arrest; Congenital wheezing (due to poor functioning of the respiratory organs) .Canxi has 99% of bones and teeth to help develop and maintain the development of these two organs.
At a very young age
The mother provides completely (before weaning) or a large part (before breastfeeding) to the baby. If the mother is deficient, the child will also be deficient in calcium, leading to hypocalcaemia - mild blood (easily startled, restless sleep, fussing) or severe hypocalcaemia (convulsions). These manifestations appear a few days, a few weeks or a month after birth, increasingly clear.
In young children, adulthood
At this time, calcium for children is decided by diet. Lack of calcium will be difficult to form, develop and maintain dental bone activity, especially bone length, resulting in a modest height (compared to children of the same age group in the same ethnic group, hereditary)
Lack of calcium also reduces local deposition, dryness of intracellular matter at the tip of the bone, causing growth pain in banana or one or both sides of the knee but not arthritis.

Calcium - Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

Calcium participates in the activities of metabolism enzymes protid, lipid, glucid; if deficient, these processes are hindered, affecting nutrition, making children physically retarded. Calcium participates in the release of acetylcholine and norephenephrine cells and participates in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland activities; promotes cortical hormone defense, to ensure the transmission of information between neurons and between neurons and other cells; If lacking, the process of learning to remember, impaired thinking, children mental retardation, intellect.
Some diseases when calcium deficiency in adulthood will not be revealed, but pave the way for that disclosure in middle age and old age: such as osteoporosis, old age leprosy, hypertension.
How to supplement calcium?
Calcium absorption
The young body absorbs only about 50% of the calcium from food. Soluble calcium is easily absorbed, insoluble form is not absorbed. When gastric acid secretion is poor (children are too young), the transition to soluble calcium decreases, the absorption of calcium decreases; However, if the food has added acid (vinegar, vitamin C) or added lysine, tryptophan, arginine, histidin, the conversion to soluble calcium increases, the absorption of calcium increases accordingly.
When there are intestinal diseases (children with persistent diarrhea, constipation, etc.), the absorption of calcium is also less.

Calcium - Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

When calcium is more than phosphorus, calcium is easily absorbed, but when phosphorus is more, calcium is difficult to absorb.
A calcium / phosphor ratio (Ca / P) of 1/1 is favorable for calcium absorption from 1 year to the end of life, but a ratio of 2/1 will be suitable for infants up to 2 months and 1.5 / 1 suitable for children from 2 years old to under 1 year old. Human milk has a Ca / P ratio of about 1.31 / 1, so the absorption of calcium is not optimal but much better than the absorption of calcium in other foods and milk.
Supplement calcium with food
Calcium value of food not only in content but also in the absorption factors above. Calcium in plants (because some are in insoluble form like oxalate) is not as good as in animals; Terrestrial animals are low in calcium so they are not as good as aquatic animals (shrimp, crabs, and frogs), especially marine fish.
Eat a balance between plant and animal food on land and underwater.

Calcium - Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

If you only eat plants, sometimes calcium is still sufficient, but the amount absorbed into the body is still lacking.
Supplement calcium with medicine
When sick due to severe calcium deficiency (with clinical manifestations and clear laboratory tests), medication is required. If the disease is severe, such as rickets, high doses of calcium and vitamin D should be used, but if the disease is cured (all clinical manifestations, laboratory tests), both drugs should be discontinued because both can increase calcium - blood. , harmful.
In emergencies, such as hypocalcemia - severe blood needs to be administered by injection and only performed in hospitals.When moderately calcium deficiency, calcium supplements can be added, low vitamin D (calcium 200mg - 500mg, vitamin D 200IU). After 3 months, check again, if enough, stop the medicine, when the lack of replenishment. If the child is fed all day regardless of dosage and prolonged, he will be overweight.

Calcium - Deficiency, Excess Are Harmful

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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