Identify Early Risks Of Miscarriage

Abortion is common in the first weeks of pregnancy. The cause may be chromosomal abnormalities, blood type differences between the mother and the fetus or some maternal diseases.
What is miscarriage?
The fetus is still alive and developing inside the uterus of the mother but there are signs of abdominal pain, bleeding. If you do not pay attention and have timely management measures can lead to miscarriage.
The consequence of miscarriage threatens is miscarriage in 40% of cases, of which older women are the most likely to miscarry

. A miscarriage occurs when the fetus is less than 20 weeks old.
Complications of threatened miscarriage
The biggest complication of miscarriage is miscarriage. The fetus will not live to be born in the love of parents
In addition, other complications of threatening miscarriage include:
- Infection
- Anemia from moderate to severe blood loss, even blood transfusion, affecting the health of both mother and fetus.

Identify Early Risks Of Miscarriage

Signs of threatened miscarriage
In the first weeks of pregnancy, if you encounter the following signs, pregnant women need to see a doctor right away because this may be a warning sign of the threat of miscarriage.
This is the first warning sign of a threat and is also a sign that mothers can feel it easily. Pregnant women will experience shady and painful aches and pains in the lower abdomen, together with the feeling of tiredness in the lumbar region. If the pain is not relieved, continuous pain, the mother should not hesitate, but must go to the doctor immediately.
The first sign of miscarriage is abdominal pain
Another manifestation of scare is bloody or pink fluid. The color of blood can vary from red to light pink to dark brown depending on the severity or severity.
If you see a pregnant woman appear dark red blood 7-10 days after ovulation or blood of different colors compared to the previous menstrual cycle, you should see a doctor
In addition, if in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the mother has bleeding or pharyngitis, it could be a warning sign that she is threatened with miscarriage.

Identify Early Risks Of Miscarriage

The mother's job is to go to a reputable medical facility.
There are also many cases of threatening miscarriage but not bleeding but only detected through ultrasound. The reason is that the vegetable ball is closed and has not come out, so there is no blood. Therefore, regular antenatal care is a necessary job, do not let it show up when abnormalities appear.
High fever pregnant mother
In the first 3 months, if the mother has a fever above 38 degrees, it could be a warning sign of the threat of miscarriage. If the mother has a high fever and joint pain and rash, she is likely infected with Cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma or parvovirus. These infections can cause congenital deafness to the fetus. So if you see high fever, you need to get tested right away.

Identify Early Risks Of Miscarriage

Pain while urinating
Pain in the urine, painful urination, and blood in the urine indicate that you have bladder and urinary problems. Pregnant women need to see a doctor for timely treatment because of cystitis, urinary tract infection risk leading to threatened miscarriage in the first months of pregnancy.
The cause of threatened miscarriage
There are many causes of a threatened miscarriage, including several common ones:
- Chromosomal abnormalities may be due to either father or mother or both fetuses may have an excess or chromosomal deficiency
- Because of blood group disagreements between mother and fetus makes it difficult for the fetus to develop in the womb
- Strong impact on the pregnant belly
- Massaging the abdomen and nipples stimulates uterine contractions. The consequence of premature placenta leads to abortion, miscarriage
- Pregnant women often stress, fatigue, prolonged stress is also likely to threaten miscarriage
- Pregnant women often have to work hard, overwork, plus not eating enough to make their babies weak and underdeveloped
- In the first months of pregnancy, pregnant women have health problems such as high fever, heart failure, hormonal imbalances or gynecological infections, uterine tumors, uterine abnormalities ...
- The mother's uterine lining is too thin due to a history of multiple birth control pills or multiple abortions. Thin uterine lining makes it difficult to keep fertilized eggs and increase the risk of miscarriage
- Pregnant women (over 35 years old), a history of diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid disease are also at higher risk of being threatened than younger, healthy women.

Identify Early Risks Of Miscarriage

During pregnancy, if you notice any abnormal bleeding, you should immediately seek medical attention
When threatened to treat how?
Not all pregnant women who are threatened with miscarriage lead to miscarriage. If the mother is cared for carefully, the fetus can still develop normally so the mother does not need to be too worried.
If you have signs of intimidation, do the following:
Take plenty of rest when you know you're pregnant, especially pregnant women who are showing signs of threatening. When you rest and relax, the reproductive organs are healthy and not stimulated, thereby supporting the protection of a healthy and docile fetus in the mother's womb.
Psychological stability
Psychological factors affect pregnancy a lot, so moms need to stay relaxed and avoid stress. Do what you love to feel excited and happy.
Abstinence is active
A strong activity or direct impact.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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