7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day

It is said that health is everything, no health is nothing. Therefore, apply the secrets of healthy living below to always have a healthy body, happily enjoy life.
Optimistic life less sorrow
All psychological instability such as frustration, depression, depression, jealousy, anxiety, pessimism if repeated or prolonged are harmful to health.
Many studies show that optimistic people help reduce premature mortality by 50% compared to pessimists. The results are interesting: optimistic people who love life are less stressed, know how to cope with unhappiness in a positive way, so their health will be less harmed

. And, optimistic people have lower blood pressure than pessimists.
Do not oversleep (get enough sleep)
Sleep helps restore nerves, fight fatigue, regenerate health. When going to bed, let go of the troubles to have a good sleep, sleep deep, get enough sleep, enough time

Get enough sleep helps fight fatigue and recover health
In fact, sleeping too much is not good for health but also reduces average life expectancy.

7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day

Scientific studies show that people who sleep more than 8 hours a night have a higher death rate than normal sleepers! But sleeping less than 4 hours will not last long. In short, people who sleep for 6-7 hours a night have a fairly long life expectancy.
Physical activity (walking a lot)
Exercise not only helps maintain your ideal body weight but also benefits cardiovascular activity, strengthens bones and increases the body's endorphins, energy hormones.
Not only that, exercise also makes life more interesting, eliminates stress and many dangerous diseases. In fact, people who are physically active will be healthier and live longer. In particular, walking is the best exercise method for all ages.
Science has summarized that walking makes arteries hard from hard to soft, increases blood circulation, strengthens tendons, and reduces fat and residues in the blood
Walk at least 3km, walk at least 5 times a week.

7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day

The foundation of health is: reasonable eating, moderate exercise, reduced alcohol, quit smoking, psychological balance.
If you implement the 4 above-mentioned health platforms, you can reduce 55% of diabetes, 1/3 of cancer, 75% of brain hemorrhages ... and extend the average life expectancy of 10 years or more.
Laugh more
Laughter is a unique trait only people have, is a health factor, an effective treatment. Many medical centers around the world have applied the therapy: goofy therapy - treatment with laughter. In folklore often say "A smile is equal to ten months of tonic".

7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day

Try to smile a lot because it makes you happy and healthier
Laughing reduces stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortison, and increases the secretion of endorphins - hormones that stimulate blood circulation. Laughing is a good friend of the heart. Laughter repulsively depressed. Laughter helps young people for a long time.
Truth can not be denied: people who value laughter will live more optimistically, from which life expectancy will be longer than those who only wear a sad face! create health.
Weight loss
For overweight or obese people, life is a time bomb! Obese people are at a very high risk of heart disease and some types of cancer, as well as developing type 2 diabetes.
Calm down
The calm helps people have a more relaxed and peaceful mood. 15 minutes of tranquility effectively relaxes the mind more than 1 hour of deep sleep.

7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day

Or, starting a new day with a 2-minute retreat can bring significant benefits. Sit upright and try to keep your mind "blank" by focusing only on a single word. Should build a right human life consistent with the beautiful ideal.
Avoid petty calculations, excessive physical desires, lust for fame, status, selfishness, constant stressful worries are bad for health.
Reduce stress
Stress is a concept that encompasses all agents that can cause mental stress and thus cause mild to severe fluctuations in the human body.
Everyone is stressed with varying degrees of severity, but not everyone knows how to manage it. The key is to be aware of the big problems in your life and know how to mitigate them. Persistent stress produces elevated cortisone levels, weakening the immune system.

7 Secrets For Healthy Living We Should Do Every Day


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