How To Treat Hair Root Inflammation?

Q: My husband is 35 years old. For several months, his oily skin has always been itchy, palpable, small red papules appear around the crusted pores. After a few days, the scales flake, leaving no scars. Although using anti-fungal shampoos, the condition did not improve. Please ask, have I had hair inflammation and need to pay attention to what is in the diet and how to treat it? (Nguyen Lan, Ha Tay) Answer
Dear Ms

. Nguyen Lan!
According to the preliminary information she said: Her husband's scalp was itchy, has papules in the hair root and scaly, it is probably true that he has arthritis. The pathology is called folliculites superficielles staphylococciques, or infectious folliculitis.
This disease has clinical features: lesions are pustules, localized hair follicles (we emphasize pustules must be at the hair root, hair follicles

How To Treat Hair Root Inflammation?

In the beginning, the skin around the hair follicles is red and slightly elevated, called papules, itchy and sometimes painful. Then quickly appear small pustules, yellowish white, surrounding pustules with halo inflammation. When pustules break into superficial blisters, the discharge is wet, the smell is fishy, and then the pimples dry with yellow discharge that looks like impulses. The superficial lesions in the upper part of the hair follicles are the follicles in the hair follicles so they are called superficial folliculitis. Pustules may be scattered throughout the scalp or concentrated in one or more areas. Progress usually resolves within a few days and leaves no scars, which may be recurrent and persistent.
In addition to the scalp, folliculitis also shows damage in other long-haired areas such as: in the eyelids of the people known as stubborn growth
Sometimes lesions of armpits, eyebrows, beard areas cause folliculitis caused by staphylococcus aureus or kerion de cels .

How To Treat Hair Root Inflammation?

- Common cause: caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites (Demodex).
- Favorable conditions for the disease to appear and develop are: the impact of mechanical, physical and chemical factors such as at the beginning is usually caused by shampoos, damp hair, scratching, hair dye; In the beard area, the razor; In humans, due to long soak bath, massage ...
When folliculitis is noted, it should be noted:
1. Eliminating favorable factors such as:
- Use appropriate shampoos (for example, if you have oily, moist hair, do not use moisturizing shampoos.

How To Treat Hair Root Inflammation?

Because it increases the humidity so that bacteria can work).
- Dry hair after shampooing, before going to bed.

- When shampooing, do not stick close, scratching much cause scratching the scalp.
- Be aware of hair dye sometimes causes disease ...
2. See a specialist for a definite diagnosis, better counseling and appropriate treatment indications.

How To Treat Hair Root Inflammation?

- Local: using antiseptic drugs such as tincture of iodine, color solution or cream, antibiotic ointment.
- Body: antihistamine used to combat itching and reduce local irritation. Systemic antibiotics may be used, depending on the severity of the disease.
Hope your husband will recover quickly..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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