Menstruation After Birth

After giving birth and breastfeeding during the first 1-2 years, the period of the mother can be erratic such as months with months, months to come early, months to come late. The amount of menstrual bleeding is also uneven, sometimes more, sometimes less, menstrual color turns bright red, brown or dark black. In addition, it is also easy to encounter cases of dysmenorrhea, prolonged menstrual ..

The time of menstruation comes back after giving birth
If the mother breastfeed completely, she will usually have periods later, about 7-8 months after birth.
It is difficult to determine exactly when the period will begin to appear for women after childbirth and breastfeeding. A woman may have periods after the first 2-3 months but in some cases it may take about 8 to 10 months for her period to return after giving birth
This is completely normal.

Menstruation After Birth

The moon will not return until the baby shows signs of stopping breastfeeding if the mother breastfeeds completely. Only when your baby starts to sleep longer at night or when the baby's feeding frequency is less and he or she starts to practice solids will most likely be a sign that the "red light" will be visiting.
When your baby starts to practice feeding, it means that the number of feeds will decrease. This is a signal that menstruation will resume.
When breastfeeding, mothers may bleed for a few days, then stop. This is completely normal and does not mean that menstruation has recovered. If your baby does not breastfeed, menstruation will recover as early as 12 weeks after birth

Causes postpartum menstrual disorders
Women can get their period back after 6 weeks of giving birth because then their bodies have returned to their pre-pregnancy condition.

Menstruation After Birth

Hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) also return to normal levels. However, the time it takes for a woman to start having her period again after giving birth depends on factors such as breastfeeding, hormone levels and lifestyle.
Breastfeeding can completely inhibit ovulation as well as delay menstruation. Women who exclusively breastfeed may return to their menstrual periods after 6 months or even later. Non-breastfeeding women may have periods after about 6 weeks.
The cause of abnormal postpartum menstruation is due to the pregnancy, causing many changes in the female body. Not only does the body have to grow to nurture the fetus but also to produce breast milk later. All this happens due to hormones.

Menstruation After Birth

Women who have had a hormone imbalance are also likely to experience abnormal menstrual periods after birth. Hormone imbalances usually occur during the first few months after birth because the body has not fully recovered. The menstrual cycle is sometimes irregular and produces more than usual in 3-4 months.
The pressure of taking care of children completely causes many women to experience constant stress, stress itself, sometimes angry, causing hormonal disorders and menstrual disorders.
5 Signs of menstrual disorders after childbirth
The cycle of the menstrual cycle is unusual
The most recognizable sign is the number of days of menstruation. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 - 32 days. The period of a menstrual cycle is from 3 to 7 days depending on the location of each person. Therefore, menstrual periods less than 28 or more than 32 days, bleeding time less than 3 days or more than 7 days is a manifestation of menstrual disorders postpartum.

Menstruation After Birth

Blood clots have been clotted or have an unusual black color
The phenomenon of clotting or black menstrual blood combined with menstruation occurs late, months with months may also be a manifestation of menstrual disorders.
Clotting or blackening of the period can be a sign of menstrual disorders
Postpartum menstruation for too long
For women having a cesarean section, after 2-3 months of having menstrual periods, their normal delivery is longer than 6 months - 1 year. If 1-2 years after birth and there is no menstrual period, the mother is definitely having menstrual disorders after birth.
Severe abdominal pain
Women who get to their menstrual cycle often experience abdominal pain before and during the first day. After giving birth, women suffer a lot after birth, perhaps dysmenorrhea is no longer scary. Therefore, any mother who feels pain, intense, writhing can not do anything, it is also a sign of menstrual disorders postpartum.
Nipple pain
Nipple pain or tightness in the nipple is a symptom of a hormonal disorder, which means it is a menstrual disorder. This is a common manifestation for menstrual disorders, not just for women after birth.

Menstruation After Birth

In addition, when the body feels tired you will not earnestly do, back pain, headache accompanied.
Abnormal menstrual disorders
The phenomenon of irregular menstruation in mothers after childbirth and breastfeeding is a normal physiological phenomenon.
However, if they are accompanied by the following abnormal signs, you should seek medical attention immediately.
The length of the menstrual period can range from 8-14 days, with large amounts of blood, forming blood clots and dark colors. This may be a warning sign that the mother is injured endometrial wall, reproductive organs inflammation
Vaginal blood flows erratically between periods, with an unpleasant odor. These may be some symptoms of the disease.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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