Endometriosis Stray

Endometriosis is caused by the cells of the lining of the uterus that are located not only in the womb but also in other parts of the female genitals and other parts of the female body. The disease is related to the menstrual cycle.
Endometrial optimism
Menstruation in women results from a cyclic change of the lining of the uterus under the influence of ovarian hormones. Endometriosis is a condition in which the cells of this lining, in addition to the location in the uterine cavity, are scattered in other parts of the woman's body.
The most common is the lining of the uterus, which is mixed with the uterine muscle layer

. There are cases of endometrial cells present in the abdominal cavity, usually in the sub-frame (lower abdomen), attaching to the peritoneum, abdominal organs such as intestines, bladder, fallopian tubes, ovaries.
There are also cases where stray cells are located in the vagina or in the perineal area (behind the vulva and anterior anus) which is often explained as a result of tearing during trauma or during delivery. The bow has "fallen" into those tears, existing and developed

These clusters of uterine mucosa, though "misplaced", are still under the influence of the genital hormones secreted by the ovaries, like the lining of the uterus, which also develops under the influence.

Endometriosis Stray

of the ovarian hormone in cycles and when these hormones decline, the cells stop growing and cause local bleeding.
Unlike the mucous membranes in the uterus when flaking will be pushed out by the uterus along with menstrual blood, these “endometriosis” clusters remain in place, and the menstrual blood cannot escape, thus causing pain. painful. Endometriosis is the most prominent physical cause of dysmenorrhea (dysmenorrhea).
The menstrual symptom of endometriosis is persistent abdominal pain, which may appear soon before menstruation (due to the development of stray mucosa cells) or on the onset of menstrual bleeding (due to ectopic mucosa. sloughing, bleeding) and may last until after menstruation (due to localized blood that is not "drained"). Often in the menstrual system due to endometriosis, the following periods are more likely to increase the level of dysmenorrhea

In some cases, the pain lasts so long that when the pain is reduced or completely relieved, a new period is reached.

Endometriosis Stray

In the case of a woman who is already menopausal, that means no more menstrual periods, endometriosis ends.
Among women who are infertile, up to 30 -50% have endometriosis. The mechanism of infertility of endometriosis is due to: deformation of the pelvic organizations causing stickiness, spasm, affecting the function of the ovaries, ovaries, uterus.
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Treatment of dysmenorrhea due to endometriosis can be medically treated by using synthetic progestagen drugs to shrink stray uterine lining. Contraceptives containing high levels of progestagen and low estrogen can be taken continuously for 6 months to a year. Surgery may sometimes be needed to dredge endometrial strides in the body.
With the introduction of laparoscopic surgery, surgical treatment of endometriosis has made new strides. Endoscopic surgery allows for adhesive removal, destruction of lesions, ovarian shaping, bipolar electrocautery or laser burning to destroy lesions.

Endometriosis Stray

In severe cases of endometriosis, the ovaries may be removed, the uterine ligament cut - the same, even the uterus. Indications for surgical treatment in endometriosis are usually endometriosis in the ovaries; heavy stick; deep endometriosis; Endometriosis grade III, IV.
In summary, endometriosis is a common disease among women of reproductive age, the cause is still unclear, closely related to infertility.
Therefore, early diagnosis and timely and thorough treatment will significantly improve the patient's fertility, save a significant part of the cost of medical care, bring joy and happiness for many. family..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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