The Secret To Raising Children Well

Smart healthy children are the happiness of every family. To achieve that is a process that every woman, every couple need to equip with the basic knowledge of nutrition.
Before the pregnancy, the mother needs to be in good health, supplementing with the necessary micronutrients, mental preparation and material conditions of the family.
With the previous concept of "giving birth to giving birth to neighbors" and "eating a lot, pregnant women are difficult to give birth" is completely wrong, but vice versa when pregnant mothers need to eat more than usual with many foods. from 4 groups (glucid group, protid, lipid, vitamins and minerals) fit for mother and child

During pregnancy, the mother needs to increase from 10 to 12kg, to give birth to a baby weighing about 3kg. When pregnant should work moderate, light activity, not heavy work. Rest is essential for the mother and the fetus, but it is not advisable to take complete rest because it is difficult to give birth
Exercise like walking helps mothers feel refreshed, circulates and helps mothers eat and sleep well.

The Secret To Raising Children Well

During pregnancy, at least 3 antenatal care visits: first 3 months, middle 3 months, last 3 months and 2 tetanus shots. When giving birth, some mothers wait for breast milk to breastfeed, express the milk and discard the head, give licorice juice or some other kind of water, etc., which is completely wrong. In contrast, when a baby needs to breastfeed early within the first 30 minutes. Early breastfeeding is effective for making milk down quickly, shrinking the uterus, reducing blood loss to the mother and colostrum is very good for babies because colostrum has high nutritional value and antibodies against disease. Breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months and until 18-24 months of age.
At 6 months of age, children should be fed additional foods besides breast milk
Do not let children eat too early or too late, give children the lack of quantity and quality, lack of hygiene leading to malnutrition and disease.

The Secret To Raising Children Well

The period of starting complementary feeding until weaning is the most threatening period of malnutrition for children. Complementary feeding is a process by which the child gradually gets used to the family's food and breastfeeds less and less, as the baby gradually changes from concentrate (milk) to raw food (4 food groups).
During this period, the child is susceptible to bacterial infections because in the first 6 months, the maternal antibody is transmitted during the fetus, from the 6th month this factor is entirely due to the baby's own body. So any supplementary food for children must be preserved and processed clean.
A healthy child, developing normally when eating enough needs will gain weight monthly. The monthly monitoring of baby's weight and the chart on the chart is the fastest way to detect malnutrition early.
If the baby does not gain weight in two months, the mother needs to bring her baby to a health facility for nutrition examination and counseling. The weight of full-term, healthy babies, at birth, is about 3000g (3kg) on average.

The Secret To Raising Children Well

In the first 3 months, children grow very fast, gaining weight from 1,000-1,200g / month; The next 3 months gain weight from 500-600g / month; In the next 6 months, only increase from 300-400g / month, when 1 year of age children weigh 3 times more at birth (about 9-10kg), from 2-10 years old the average child gains 2-3 kg / year.
The average weight of children over 1 year of age can apply the following formula:
X = 9 kg + 2 kg x (N-1) (N is the age of the child).
Children are cared for and fully fed, when sick, they need timely and thorough treatment. Without good treatment, children are prone to relapses and malnutrition. Having children fully vaccinated on schedule is also a good way to prevent infections for children..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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