The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

Today there are many children and adults with orthodontic needs. Besides the good aesthetic results, the function of orthodontic bring, if we do not pay attention to oral hygiene issues during treatment, many negative consequences can occur such as tooth decay, gingivitis. However, these problems can be overcome if proper oral hygiene.
Why must oral hygiene when orthodontic?
For most people, proper brushing and flossing can help ensure oral hygiene, however, for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, that is not enough.
Food is easily trapped under the bowstring, around the elastic bands in place and thus creates favorable conditions for plaque formation

. If plaque is not completely removed from the surface of the tooth and around the brace, the patient is at high risk for gingivitis, tooth decay and bad breath.
Bacteria in plaque absorb sugar and convert it into acid. Acid can stimulate gums, cause tooth decay and bad breath
Therefore, regular removal of plaque is very important.

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

Yes, after completing the orthodontic process, the surface of the teeth under braces will be healthy and shiny.
Some tips for oral hygiene
- Brushing: You should use a brush with soft bristled hair because it is easy to get into the corners and interstitial as well as does not hurt the gums. It is not necessary to use a machine brush, but if you have it you can still use it to brush on braces.
Be careful not to flap the plastic on the back of the brush into the brace wing as it may damage the brace. In addition, it should be used at a moderate rotation speed to avoid damaging or dropping braces. However, the best way is still using a regular hand brush because we can control the force better. Brush your teeth at least 3 times a day

It is best to brush your teeth after every meal to make sure there is no food stuck around the brace.

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

If you can't afford to brush your teeth after lunch, at least rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Place the brush not on the braces surface, but on the teeth adjacent to the gums, rotating in small circles. You can push the bristles under the wire at the top and bottom of the brace to remove food and plaque beneath the wire. Make sure that the bristles rest on the gums and teeth. If you rest your toothbrush on your labia, the brush is far away from your gum and the brush won't work.
In the evening, or whenever you have time, you should spend at least 5 minutes to brush your teeth thoroughly. Starting with an interdental brush, it is very effective to remove large amounts of food debris, which is also needed daily to remove plaque from the teeth and gums.
Fold the wire of the brush to create the right angle.

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

Put the brush under the chord wire, guide the gums toward the edge of the bite, comb slowly, 15 times, from brace to brace. After using an interdental brush for each brace, use a regular brush as described above. Your toothbrush will get damaged quickly by braces, so you need to replace it as soon as it gets frizzy.
- Flossing: Use the floss at least once a day, preferably with floss after all meals. When you wear braces, it will be difficult to thread under the string but there are special tools to support it, such as threaded thread and a special type of thread.
- Fluoride: Always use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Your dentist may recommend that you use regular fluoride mouthwash. They will provide fluoride to protect and strengthen teeth during orthodontic treatment.

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

After brushing, rinsing toothpaste, taking 5 -10ml FluorCare solution for 30 seconds, then releasing the medication, leaving the remaining medication at least 30 minutes.
It is best done before bed so that fluoride continues to work throughout the night. A good suggestion is to do this on the same night every week. For example Sunday night can be fluor night. In addition, you can use support equipment such as interdental brushes, antiseptic mouthwash, protective troughs (especially when you play sports to avoid being hurt by the device hitting the face).
Preserve maintenance jaw and removable orthodontic appliances
If you have post-orthodontic maintenance jaw or any removable orthodontic device, they should be cleaned regularly. Brush daily with a toothbrush and maybe even more toothpaste. In particular, pay attention to clean the surface of the instrument in contact with teeth and the oral mucosa.

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

You should brush the instrument under running water and underneath there is a basin.
Thus, even if you slip your hands and drop their jaws, they will not break. It is also possible to soak the jaw in an antiseptic solution specifically used for dentures. Do not use hot water to soak the jaw.
It may deform the plastic and therefore you cannot wear the device anymore. When not wearing jaws should keep them in a storage box. Do not pack your jaw as it can be mistaken for trash and thrown away.
Another note is that you need to eat right, avoid foods that can cause tooth decay, hard and sticky foods like caramel, chewing gum .

The Secret Of Dental Hygiene When Orthodontic

.., do not snack, do not eat foods high in sugar first.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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