How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

Rickets in children often occur mainly under the age of 3 years. The disease makes bones soft, porous, and deforms bones that affect the development of children.
Cause children with rickets
Rickets is a disease caused by a disorder of vitamin D metabolism or deficiency of vitaminD. There are many reasons for children with rickets, such as lack of sunlight - this is the most common reason due to abstinence habits, fear of sun exposure.
Cramped houses, lack of light, children born in the winter wearing too much clothes, not allowed to go out to the sun, or in the high areas with lots of clouds

... are the reasons for the process of self-synthesizing vitamin D affected

The second reason is the unreasonable diet, not being breastfed regularly, diarrhea that reduces the absorption of vitamin D.

How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

Children who are prone to rickets are babies who are given early flour, more flour ( inhibits calcium absorption). Babies born prematurely, twins, babies not breastfed, babies too plump, babies born in the winter are also susceptible to this disease.
Another cause of rickets is a diet deficient in calcium, phosphorus, other vitamins and minerals, or a number of gastrointestinal diseases that reduce the absorption of vitamin D3.
A small number of children have inherited illnesses - because during pregnancy, mothers have some health problems and environmental pollution can also affect.
Rickets is different from malnutrition, malnutrition is caused by lack of calories, protein, making children physically retarded, "low birth weight", and rickets often appear in children who eat full energy, even found in children who weigh even higher than their age. Therefore, many mothers did not pay attention, ignoring the signs of the disease, until having complications to take their children to the doctor.
How to detect children with rickets
Children with rickets often divided into 2 stages

- The first stage: At this stage the disease usually presents with a mild degree, usually onset in the first 6 months of life.

How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

Children with symptoms such as not sleeping well, sweating a lot or having heat rash ... should take care of children more carefully.
If the child grows a little hair, the hair is quite thin, especially the hair front and back of the neck, the chances of rickets are very high. In this case, you should take your child to see a doctor for a full examination and counseling.
- The second stage: The stage of rickets in severe form, the disease also appears in the first 6 months of life. But the children's activities are worse than normal, limbs are limp, legs are bowed, large bald patches on the scalp of the child .

How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

Rickets in the advanced stage, you will see the bones of children so soft to the touch feels like they have no bones. The shape of the baby's head has also been changed, the top of the head and the front are almost larger.
The bones in the wrists and fingers tend to stick out. Rickets can change the pelvis and become a serious sign of girls' development.
Can rickets be used?
Within the first 3 years of life, about 70% of children can get rid of rickets if parents take care of properly.
To prevent rickets for children, according to the best nutrition experts, mothers of pregnancy and lactation must eat well, take iron and calcium supplements .

How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

.. and especially do not forget to sunbathe.
For children, breastfeeding soon after birth and exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months. By the time of weaning, children need to eat fully and balanced 4 food groups of starch, protein, fat, vitamins and mineral salts.
Babies 1 month after birth should be sunbathing every 15 minutes at sunrise (should be before 9 am) and the sun must shine directly on the surface of the skin of the hands, feet, abdomen, back, chest.
In the winter, you need to give your child a dose of vitamin D3 for prophylaxis. Maybe 6 months for children to drink once.

How To Detect And Prevent Children With Rickets

In addition, vitamin D3 can be taken during pregnancy at 7 months of pregnancy..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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