Testicular Hidden

Hidden testicle (THA) is one of the common diseases in general pediatrics, when the testes are not in the normal position in the scrotum, but in different positions such as superficial inguinal, deep inguinal or in the abdominal cavity.
Hypertension is common in ages: newborn 3 - 5%, 3 years 0.8%, up to 18 years of age only 0.25 - 0.1%

. About one-third of the patients have testicles hidden on both sides, the other most often on the right.
Causes hidden testes
In the fetus still in the mother's womb, the testes form from the 7th week of pregnancy and are located in the urogenital mesenteric wall in the abdomen, then develop completely.
Before the baby is born, the testes passively move from the abdomen through the abdominal wall in the groin area and go into the normal scrotum position, starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy until the end of the 8th month
then complete.

Testicular Hidden

A certain cause, such as an inguinal tube malformation, impedes the movement of the testicles to the scrotum. The non-sensitive gonadotrophin hormonal response delays the testes' movement. In addition, the cause is a disorder of primary sex chromosome.
Complications of hidden testes
For children before the age of 1 year, hypertension has not been significantly affected. But after one year of age, hidden testes begin to change in structure and function, endocrine disorders, psychophysiology in the direction of worsening and complications such as testicular torsion: hypertension is at risk. twisted higher than normal testes.
Cancer: the risk of hypertension is about 40 times higher than normal testicle, so lowering the testes to normalize it reduces this risk

Infertility, hypertension, atrophy, loss of sperm cell germ.

Testicular Hidden

In people with bilateral hypertension, if not treated, it is difficult to have children. In case, hypertension on one side is not treated, testicle on the opposite side is also affected to 40% of fertility.
How to identify hidden testes
By using the palm of your finger to lift the scrotum up to compare the two sides, palpating along the groin to the scrotum, examining the inguinal hole. Palate testicle to assess density size for age. If there is no testicle in the scrotum, it must be touched along the inguinal tube to detect the location of the testicle and differentiate.
Normally, the mobile testicle pushes down into the scrotum and holds, stimulating the scrotum muscle to move upwards. For hypertension, the scrotum cannot be pulled down. The testicle is not palpable in the inguinal tube.

Testicular Hidden

Ultrasound can easily identify hypertension in the testes located in the inguinal canal, deep inguinal hole. But there are also cases where ultrasound does not determine the location of the testes, in cases of hypertension located on the inguinal canal or without congenital testes.
Those cases need a CT scan of the abdominal cavity with contrast medicine to detect hypertension anywhere on the way to move right in the abdomen and assess the size of the density.
The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) test has a stimulating effect on the testes to grow and move. In the case of testes, clear testosterone is stimulated, if an increase in blood test proves no testicle. Chromosome test.
Treatment of testicles hidden
Normally, the testes are in the scrotum, where the temperature is lower than body temperature, which helps the testes produce the best sperm. Many studies show that fertility is significantly reduced in people with hypertension.

Testicular Hidden

The insertion of the testes into the scrotum significantly improves this condition, especially with early intervention.
There are many benefits to getting the testicle back into its normal position: the testicle is in the scrotum less likely to be damaged than outside the scrotum and most importantly helps to produce normal sperm production.
Most authors believe that after one year the hidden testes are no longer able to move naturally to the scrotum, so treatment must be considered before 2 years of age. There are 2 main methods:
- Medical treatment: with HCG endocrine drug, give a result of 10 - 20%. You can use hormonal drugs a second time then 4-6 weeks will give better results.
- Surgical treatment: indicated after unsuccessful hormonal treatment. Assigning surgery before 2 years of age is the most ideal, is one of the most effective treatments.
The technique of bringing the testes down into the scrotum is relatively simple, the patient has two small incisions in the groin and scrotum.

Testicular Hidden

Today, by using laparoscopic surgery, surgeons can easily find cases of hypertension located in the abdominal cavity and help bring them down the scrotum conveniently and achieve high results.
The recovery of testicle after surgery also depends on many factors, which can preliminarily assess the development of testicles after 2 years of surgery. The real result is still waiting for more children to reach puberty and adulthood, if the sperm test is sufficient in quantity and quality, the result will be successful..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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