Stopping Ejaculation Suddenly Harmful?

Ask, "Is it abruptly to stop before ejaculation (both in the case of selfies or sex)? Sometimes I do that, maybe repeat a few "innings", eventually no ejaculation and the game is over completely. So there is no problem?

Unconsciously, you are honing your skills against premature ejaculation, which we still call the "start-end" method.
You teach your "little boy" lesson on how to control the sperm, learn how to master the point that men "can't turn around" (the moment you really want to "fire").
I think you are the one who has never complained about your "flexibility", ejaculation or not completely according to your intention. Personally speaking, I admire that ability

However what you are doing gives a ..
mysterious feeling.

Stopping Ejaculation Suddenly Harmful?

Remember that many studies have shown that ejaculation is good for your health, and even has certain benefits for your prostate.
Ejaculation is beneficial for the boy
The prostate is very important and taking care of the 'boy' is essential. For years, the scientific community has studied and found that ejaculation helps improve prostate health.
In a study of over 30,000 men from Harvad University and the National Cancer Institute, the researchers achieved quite interesting results. Overall, the study found no link between prostate cancer risk and ejaculation frequency.
However, they found that men who ejaculated regularly (21 times a month or more) had a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer than those who ejaculated only 4-7 times per month.
If you dig into all of the studies, most of the results will be ejaculation, which will improve prostate health
So, let ejaculation occur regularly and comfortably because ejaculation means 'topping up', this is completely beneficial to your body and sex life.

Stopping Ejaculation Suddenly Harmful?

Harm of "stopping the war"
Which leads to the possibility of no ejaculation. Normal sexual activity in men involves the stages of sexual excitement, erection, intercourse, ejaculation and reaching climax, drowsiness, and ending. Ejaculation as a milestone has reached the climax of a complex physiological process.
When fully stimulated, the ejaculation center "ejaculation" will appear ejaculation, the nerve center will dominate and control the whole process. If you constantly refrain from ejaculation, there will appear physiological reactions, cerebral cortex dysfunction, ejaculatory function is inhibited, eventually you will suffer from ejaculation.
Leads to testicular inflammation. The testes are the organ that produces sperm and constitutes semen. When having normal sex, the testes, prostate gland and other organs are in a state of congestion.

Stopping Ejaculation Suddenly Harmful?

If "stop fighting", not ejaculation, the speed of blood recovery in the genitals is markedly slow, the testes in the state of congestion last longer, the capillaries in the inner wall of the testes are torn, leading to inflammation of the testicles complete.
Vulnerable to prostate cancer. Normally, after ejaculation, the penis quickly softens, after 2-3 minutes, its blood decreases by about 60%, about 15 minutes later, the blood in the testes and prostate gland return to its normal state.
If the "prostate" is stopped, the prostate will be in a state of prolonged congestion, the prostate will recover in a long time, leading to prostatitis and cancer.
Leads to impotence. While living, suddenly "stopped fighting", the nerve activity of the sexual center in the cerebral cortex and the genitals are still in a state of excitement, congestion, including mental activity in it. Still under stress, excitement, sexual desire has not been met, thus increasing the burden on the nervous system and genital organs, resulting in impotence..

Stopping Ejaculation Suddenly Harmful?

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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