7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

The flu can cause birth defects, but medication during pregnancy often has many negative effects. Therefore, the best way is to avoid the risk of influenza to ensure pregnant women have a healthy pregnancy
The flu is considered a quite dangerous disease during pregnancy, especially in the first months. Influenza viruses can cause uterine contractions that cause miscarriage, premature birth, or increase the risk of birth defects in an unborn baby. So pregnant women need to take precautions to reduce the likelihood of getting the flu during pregnancy. And the following article will point out 7 most effective ways to prevent influenza for pregnant women

Get a flu shot
Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect both mother and baby from the risk of flu. Getting a flu shot will help transfer antibodies to the baby and will protect them until the first few months after birth.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women are recommended to get vaccinated against the flu every year and should take it before the flu season starts from October to May next year
Pregnant women can get a flu shot at any time during pregnancy.

7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

Learn more about the flu shot during pregnancy here
Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect both mother and baby from the risk of flu
Build a nutritious diet
One of the most important factors to help pregnant mothers have a healthy pregnancy, is to strengthen the resistance and improve health by providing a complete range of essential nutrients.
Accordingly, during pregnancy, pregnant women need to supplement all necessary minerals and vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin D, calcium, iron, protein, DHA .. For pregnant women in In the second trimester, the amount of energy needed for a day is 2,560kcal and at the end of pregnancy this figure needs to increase by 475kcal.
Therefore, building and following a scientific and nutritious diet is essential for pregnant women to improve their resistance to prevent the risk of influenza and other diseases.
In addition, during pregnancy, pregnant women should also limit eating cold foods because it is a very easy cause of your cold.
Minimize the pressure
The period of pregnancy is the time when the mother's pregnant mood is most sensitive and often faces many mental stresses that affect her health
So women in pregnancy need to have a plan to allocate work and rest reasonably, minimizing the risks that can put themselves under pressure.

7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

Because when mental health is not guaranteed, it will lead to the body always tired, anxious, insomnia ... and that is why diseases can easily attack and invade the body.
So, keeping the spirit of comfort, avoiding excessive stress is also a way to help pregnant women prevent possible diseases during pregnancy, especially flu symptoms.
Avoid close or direct contact with sources of influenza infection
Influenza is a highly contagious disease, especially when in close contact with sick people. Just a few actions such as sneezing, coughing, talking can make the risk of flu infection very high. In addition, flu can also be spread through sharing items with sick people.

7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

Therefore, when family members or those around them get the flu, pregnant women should avoid close contact or need preventive aids such as wearing a mask and washing their hands often with soap or antiseptic water. .
In addition, at the peak of the season, pregnant women should not appear in crowded areas such as supermarkets, markets, shopping malls, movie theaters, etc. because these are potentially contagious places. the flu is very high.
Pregnant women should avoid contact with sources of influenza infection
Exercise regularly
Not only maintaining a nutritious diet, pregnant women also need to participate in physical training activities to improve health, enhance resistance. Some fitness and sports activities that pregnant women can participate in such as swimming, walking, yoga ..

7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

In addition to helping pregnant women improve their health during pregnancy, the exercise also greatly supports the process of giving birth later.
Maintain a well-ventilated place
Impacts from the environment are also factors that can easily cause flu status for pregnant women. If your home is in high humidity and not well-ventilated space, consider using a dehumidifier to maintain fresh and dry air.
On the contrary, if the home has low air humidity and especially in the winter, the family can use the fireplace to make the air drier, which is a favorable condition for the flu virus to develop. humidifier for indoor air.
Besides, using air conditioning 24/24 is not good for the health of the pregnant mother. So take advantage of the appropriate time to open windows to the natural wind can blow into the house to help better air conditioning.

7 Ways To Prevent Flu For Pregnant Women

Keep the body always warm when entering m.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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