How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

Immunity is the body's ability to respond to pathogens. When the immune response is impaired, such as due to old age, poor nutrition, illness, etc.
The immune system consists of immune factors cytokin, interleukin ..

. regulate immune cells (through activation, inhibition). The body responds to the immune system by secreting specific antibodies to neutralize the possibility of infection when the microorganism has not yet penetrated the cell or secreting specific antibodies to destroy the microorganism at the beginning of infection.
Immunosuppressive drugs
The vaccine proactively generates immunity
- Vaccine prevention: is the microorganism is reduced activation or antigen gene extracted from microorganisms when injected into the body, the immune system will recognize, remember antigens and produce specific antibodies
This is the active way to create immunity.

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

- Anti-cancer vaccine: synthesizes a molecule, then attaches to the surface of specific markers of a certain type of cancer cell so that the molecular surface has the same morphology as the cancer cell surface. . Use it as an artificial antigen to prepare a vaccine.
For example, vaccines against lung cancer (Cima Vax EGF-Cuba, 2007), vaccines against polymorphic spongiform carcinoma (GMB - USA, 1998) all increase immunity by producing specific antibodies against cancer (slowing down the progression, improving the quality, prolonging the life time for patients).
Immunosuppressive drugs
These drugs work to boost the immune system by increasing the overall function of the body, making the body stronger, thereby increasing the immune response or activating cytokines, interleukins, making the immune cells secretes many antibodies.
- Interferon: is a natural cytokin, regulates immunity by increasing macrophage activity, enhances the specific cytotoxicity of immune cells for target and antiviral cells, and prevents cancer by inhibiting inhibits virus replication, prevents replication, prevents cell proliferation.
The biosynthetic interferons, like natural interferons, are used to boost antiviral immunity (as in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C); prevent the development of cancer (such as in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, multiple myeloma

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

- Some vitamins: There are 80 diseases related to free radicals and 100 types of chemicals accumulated in fat that weaken the immune system. Some vitamins E, C, beta-carotene have anti-free radical properties, so it boosts immunity. Water-soluble vitamin C eliminates free radicals as soon as they are in the fluid outside the cell. Vitamin E, beta-carotene dissolves in oil, eliminating free radicals in the lipid membrane of the cell.
Each type also has its own mechanism: beta-carotene directly increases the T-cells of the immune system, thus increasing the production of antibodies.
Vitamin C has the function of creating immunity, and is involved in many active functions (generating energy, neutralizing toxins, synthesizing neurotransmitters, increasing the absorption of calcium, iron .

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

.) making the body strong up, increase immune response.
- Some trace elements: have an immune boosting role, for example, zinc is in the composition of 80 enzymes in the body, helping to grow, strengthening the body, thereby increasing the immune response. Zinc along with vitamins A, B6, and E help thymus to increase immunity.
When zinc deficiency (less than 70mcg / 100ml of blood), children will be low, light weight, easily sick, need to supplement zinc to the threshold.
Or selenium is also a micronutrient involved in many biological processes, including the process of controlling immunoglobulin synthesis and fighting free radicals. Lack of selenium will weaken immunity, easily get sick.
- Herbal enhances the immune system: foods like garlic, onions, oregano are rich in flavonoids and help prevent the development of viruses in the body and the creation of free radicals.

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

Garlic has been used as a spice and "medicine" has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties, along with the effect of increasing resistance, very effective in colds, infections. respiratory tract, whooping cough ... and has been shown to increase the number of natural T-killer immune cells. Marjoram has been used by our people for centuries as an antidepressant, fever, anti-allergy.
How to use the drug?
For vitamins and minerals should be supplemented with food: eat more green vegetables, fruits ..

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

.). Only supplement the medication for the body that is missing these substances. Because of the excess will cause the consequences of excess of those substances or will cause disorders in the body.
For example, excess calcium in the fetus will be calcified, calcium deposited in the kidneys will cause kidney stones, deposits in blood vessels, contributing to atherosclerosis and the risk of hypertension; Stagnation in the cerebral cortex (in the elderly over 70 years) contributes to the risk of Alzheimer's syndrome.
For interferon use only when absolutely necessary, use at the right time. For example, interferon is only used when the hepatitis B virus is multiplying, showing clinical signs; rather than when the body has enough natural immunity, control makes the virus dormant, does not multiply, there are no clinical symptoms..

How To Use Immunosuppressive Drugs?

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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