Emphysema In The Elderly

Emphysema (KPT) is primarily seen in adults but the elderly (NCT) account for the highest percentage.
KPT is a disease of the lower respiratory tract, is a progressive, frequent and long-lasting lung disease due to inflammation, reducing the elasticity, even losing the ability to recover of the bronchioles, bronchi radical and alveolar. The disease can cause many dangerous complications.
Cause of the disease
The causes of KPT are very diverse, most notably chronic, bronchitis, chronic, alveolar bronchitis. The cause of this chronic, long-lasting infection may be due to microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) but it can also be caused by a number of other causes such as the effects of chemicals and dirt

. , smoke from fuels such as coal, kitchen smoke, exhaust from engines, cigarette smoke.
It has been researched and summarized to show that among smokers, especially older persons, the incidence of KPT is very high. It has also been found that some patients with KPT are due to a lack of a protein called AAt (alpha-antitripsin)
Some chronic illnesses such as chronic asthma also cause KPT.

Emphysema In The Elderly

Tuberculosis is also one of the significant causes of KPT. KPT can be caused by professions such as some of the artists who blow their horns, workers blow glass bulbs; or pneumoconiosis is encountered in workers who regularly come into contact with the dust of pits, factories, garment companies, cotton companies, yarn ...
Manifestations of the disease
The main symptom of KPT is shortness of breath, especially when carrying heavy loads, climbing stairs or doing heavy work, overexertion, fatigue and decreased ability to exercise. Dyspnea may be increased when lying down or suffering from a certain respiratory infection, especially lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, bronchitis - lung, lung abscess, asthma .

Emphysema In The Elderly

On examination, the patient can manifest dyspnea, purple lips (due to lack of oxygen), deformed chest (it is called barrel-shaped chest), knocking wine, whispering alveoli. Hear the lungs have moist rales, snoring rales, rales, crackling. In severe cases may appear edema, hepatomegaly, venous neck veins (when complications).
Laboratory tests such as: chest X-ray, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), respiratory function measurements, peripheral blood test, sputum test, ECG, etc. are needed to help. for a more accurate diagnosis.
Some lung diseases can be confused with KPT such as bronchial asthma (asthma), pneumothorax, cocoon .

Emphysema In The Elderly

.. KPT disease if not detected early and timely treatment can leave dangerous complications such as: Chronic emphysema, respiratory failure, pneumothorax (due to balloon rupture) or obstructing pulmonary artery.
Daily personal hygiene is a very important issue in the prevention of respiratory infections in general, including prevention of KPT for older persons. Need to clean the throat, pharynx, nose, teeth, mouth in the form of brushing after eating, before going to bed in the evening, those who wear dentures also need daily hygiene.
When inflammation of the airways, the most common is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (throat, larynx, ear, nose and throat ...

Emphysema In The Elderly

) need to see a doctor to be examined, prescribed and consulted by a doctor. If you have pneumonia or asthma, it is necessary to treat it completely to prevent it from becoming chronic.
Very necessary, because tobacco causes many lung diseases, especially contributing to the cause of KPT and lung cancer. Workers should be provided with protective equipment for workers regularly exposed to smoke and dust such as coal mining workers, environmental sanitation workers and workers often exposed to toxic chemicals and garment workers.
Every day should exercise regularly, especially breathing movements increase elasticity for the lung organization. It is necessary to thoroughly carry out the vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG vaccine) for newborns and for those who do not have immunity against TB bacteria. If possible, some vaccinations against respiratory infections such as pneumococcal, Haemopilus influenzae, etc. should be vaccinated.

Emphysema In The Elderly


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