To Stay Healthy With Asthma

You may have known a few people who have asthma and you are very impressed with the image of them "withdrawing their throat with rattle".
But please understand that many asthma triggers are different for each person, so it is not possible to bring "experience" of this patient "to pass" to other patients. So how do you get rid of asthma triggers to stay healthy with asthma?
You need to know the triggers of asthma to prevent yourself and help patients know how to prevent them to reduce their attacks and not make them worse. Here are some tips for getting rid of common asthma triggers:
- Waterpipe tobacco: Agree with all family members not to allow anyone to smoke in or around the home, especially in the bedroom or in the car.
In fact, the causative agent of asthma is very diverse: for example, when patient A breathes in a cigarette vapor, he will have a "trigger", patient B will smell the mosquito spray immediately "pull", patients C eat several silkworm pupae suffer from panic attacks such as "chest tightness"

..., the triggers of asthma are different for each person

Identifying and avoiding asthma triggers is important to help control your or your loved one's asthma.

To Stay Healthy With Asthma

Although it is difficult to eliminate all agents completely, you should still try to eliminate as many asthma triggers as possible in places where you have to live and work regularly. Doing so will help you get better health, with milder symptoms and less frequent asthma attacks.
- Microorganisms in the air are generally very small bacteria and viruses that are not visible to the naked eye. However, you can remove them in many ways: covering mattresses and pillows in plastic bags; replace old pillows; boil the bed sheet and blanket weekly to kill bacteria; Do not leave stuffed animals in bed and wash them regularly in hot water; reduce indoor humidity below 50%.
- Domestic animals: there are many people who are allergic to droppings, urine, dried scales or saliva of cilia or domestic feathers; Keep them outside as this is the best way to control your asthma if you have a pet allergy.
If pets cannot be kept outside, do not bring them to the bedroom, isolate them by closing the bedroom door; use an air purifier for the bedroom; Do not use carpets or table cloths, as this is a "shelter" for pet waste and asthma dust.
- Against cockroaches: cockroaches, cockroach debris causes asthma allergy for many patients, so it is necessary to fight cockroaches in many ways such as not leaving food in the bedroom; avoid scattering food, trash must have lids; spray cockroaches regularly, but don't let asthma sufferers smell the medicine by telling them to leave the house until the smell is gone

- Eliminate mold in the house: mold growth is due to low humidity so do not let water leak out of the house causing moisture to create conditions for mold growth; Use a clean cloth to wipe the mold away from mold surfaces; replace or thoroughly wash moldy rugs.

To Stay Healthy With Asthma

- Against smoke and heavy odors: do not heat wood stove, charcoal stove or oil stove in the house; use gas stove in accordance with safety instructions such as locking the gas cylinder before turning off the stove to prevent breathing of unburnt gas smell; avoid asthma patients inhaling heavy odors such as perfume, talcum powder, hair spray, deodorant roll, gasoline ...
- Dust, pollen, mold outside the house: the dry season or the season you are allergic, should close the window because this time the amount of pollen and some mold with the highest concentration easily fly into the house; When you go out, wear a mask to avoid breathing in dust and pollen.
- Prevention of colds and other infections: colds and infections often cause asthma flares in many asthma patients, so it is necessary to take preventive measures such as annual flu vaccinations; work, moderate rest, not overwork, avoid staying up late, eat well, exercise regularly, avoid contact with people with colds and bacterial infections, regularly wear a mask to avoid the flu ... - Never use food or medicine that has ever caused allergies such as beef, chicken, poultry eggs, silkworm chrysalis, shrimp, crab, seafood .

To Stay Healthy With Asthma

.., alcohol, beer; some medicines such as medicines to treat high blood pressure, medicines to treat arthritis, antibiotics ....

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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