Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

Is it always in bed? There are many women who do not leave their beds after a month eating or living. The idea of paying attention and rest is necessary and not completely wrong, but operating appropriately is equally important in the recovery process for mothers.
Benefits of postpartum exercise
Postnatal women should not be physically active but interested in proper exercise is essential because the benefits have been identified:
Reduce the rate of back pain
Helps increase the enthusiasm and happy life
Reduce stress
Improving temperament
Overcome constipation, urinary retention
Restores muscle strength and improves cardiovascular state
Make the abs back toned
Helps prevent and recover depression, avoid the risk of deep vein inflammation, pulmonary embolism
Shorten recovery time after birth
Prevent complications after childbirth, help the uterus to contract well, premature discharge of discharge, limiting back pain. If there is episiotomy or surgery, early mobilization will help relieve pain and avoid intestinal sticking .

.. In addition, exercise also helps tone the muscles after being dilated for childbirth and supports the spirit of pregnant women better.
Exercise after birth helps to shorten the recovery time of the mother
Advocacy for postpartum women
For normal delivery
In the case of a natural mother, after two months of giving birth, she can start exercising to get in shape
Initially, moms should only do soothing exercises that are suitable for their health and endurance.

Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

Next to the days after she has recovered completely, she can gradually increase the intensity of the exercise according to her stamina.
For caesarean section
The first day after a caesarean section, the woman should proactively turn around in bed, stretch her limbs and be able to sit up in bed, except for special orders from the doctor. On the second day, the woman sat up and walked gently in the room with the support of relatives. On the third day after the caesarean section, the mother walked quietly in her room and the corridor, without assistance. From day 4 onwards, women can exercise and eat normally, except for special cases of specialized doctors.
In the first 6 weeks after caesarean section, the mother can refer to gentle exercises combined with walking to help tone the skin.
After a caesarean section about 4 months, it is time for women to start exercising
This depends on the individual condition of the mother as well as the recovery of the incision.

Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

Initial abdominal tension will affect the incision. The daily workout time should only range from 10-20 minutes and note that you should only do moderate and appropriate movements for yourself.
Exercise time suitable for mothers after birth
Women who give birth can usually start the exercise within an hour after giving birth if they feel fit. For women undergoing cesarean section, mobilization should begin within 12 hours if there are no contraindications.
Breathing or contracting exercises, stretching your legs while you are resting in bed will not consume too much of your mother. They contribute to preventing respiratory and circulatory diseases. Mothers can return to activities such as swimming, cycling about 6 weeks after giving birth. Strong sports such as aerobics, basketball, badminton .

Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

.. can be repeated after 3 months.
For most healthy women, they should exercise at least 150 minutes / week after moderate exercise (brisk walking) but can divide the training time every day, from 10 to 20 minutes.
Can exercise affect breastfeeding?
Intense physical activity can cause lactic acid build up in milk giving the milk a sour taste that your child may not like. If breastfeeding, this potential incident can be prevented by moderate exercise and plenty of water during and after exercise. If the activity with greater intensity even in the first months of breastfeeding, you should breastfeed or express milk in the bottle to breastfeed before exercise. After 4-5 months of breastfeeding, physical activity has little effect on breast milk because most breast milk is secreted at the time of breastfeeding.

Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

After delivery, whether by caesarean section or caesarean section, mothers should breastfeed as soon as possible because colostrum contains the most nutrients, contains the most resistance and provides essential substances for development. of babies and boost their immunity. To avoid the effects of an incision or perineal incision, mothers should seek help from family members to help the baby in the most comfortable position for both mother and child.
In short, postpartum exercise does not adversely affect the amount or composition of breast milk and does not affect the physical development of the nursing infant.
Some exercises are suitable for mothers
Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Lie on your back and sit up very well to help your stomach shrink. The foot can also be placed on a recliner, the leg is perpendicular to the ankle. Put your hands behind the back of your neck, breathe in slowly, lift your head and shoulders off the floor while having abdominal muscles.

Postpartum Motor Is Reasonable?

Lift yourself to the maximum level and then lie down. Repeat.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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