What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

For a patient who has to use drugs, adherence to treatment will bring high curative effect, but for people with HIV / AIDS, this adherence can prevent HIV, prevent drug resistance and maintain Comprehensive maintenance of health for patients.
The goal of antiretroviral therapy (ARV) is to minimize viral replication and to keep blood viral levels to a minimum; Restoring immune function, reducing the risk of opportunistic infections; Improve the quality of life and significantly reduce the death rate of HIV infected people ...
ARV treatment is mostly outpatient and is indicated when the patient is clinically eligible, and / or tested and proved ready for treatment

When to start ARV treatment?
When placing a patient on ARV treatment, the physician must rely on the patient's clinical stage and CD4 cell count. According to the Ministry of Health's "Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of HIV / AIDS", if CD4 is available, ART is indicated when:
- HIV-infected people with clinical stage 4 (with symptoms such as weight loss of over 10% of body weight accompanied by fever lasting for more than 1 month or diarrhea lasting for more than 1 month of unexplained causes; pneumonia, infection Chronic herpes on lips, mouth, genitals .

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

; esophageal candidiasis ...) is independent of CD4 cell count.
- People with stage 3 HIV infection (unexplained weight loss over 10% of body weight, unexplained diarrhea lasting for more than 1 month; unexplained intermittent fever or continuous for more than 1 month ; recurrent oral candidiasis ..
) with CD4 <350TB / mm3.

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

- PLHIV with clinical stage 1 and 2 with CD4 <250 TB / mm3. If CD4 testing is not available, ART is indicated when the HIV-infected person is at clinical stage 3,4. Note when using the drug When HIV-infected people are treated with ARV, they still have to apply measures to prevent the transmission of the virus to others. For people on ART, when the immune status has not yet recovered, preventive treatment should be continued. Because HIV has very high rates of multiplication and mutation, patients need to adhere to treatment. That is to use the right dose, on time and regularly every day. The patient must set himself or herself a certain hour of taking the pill. Medication schedule will be easy to implement if it can be integrated into the daily activity schedule.

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

An alarm or cell phone can be set to remind you to take your medication or a family member to remind you to take your medicine. The drug taken 2 times / day must be taken 12 hours apart. Medicines taken 3 times / day, they must be taken 8 hours apart.
Failure to comply (that is, the doses are not taken regularly, at the right dose and on time) will lead to low blood levels of the drug, the mutations of HIV will develop resistance. The treatment will fail. If a patient discovers that he / she forgets to take his / her medicine according to the schedule, he / she must immediately take the missed dose. Next, calculate the time for the next scheduled dose.
If the time to the next dose is less than 4 hours, do not take the next dose according to the old schedule but wait for more than 4 hours to take.

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

If more than 2 doses are missed in a week, the patient must notify the treating physician for instructions.
Side effects of anti-HIV medications
When taking anti-HIV medications (ARV), patients may experience side effects caused by the drug. Some common side effects are:
- Nausea: To limit this side effect, patients can take medicine during or immediately after a meal or may take antiemetic medicine 30 minutes before taking ARV.
- Diarrhea: If patients feel sick with diarrhea, they should evaluate the level of diarrhea and associated symptoms. When you have diarrhea, you need to take oresol to replace water and electrolytes. If severe need for infusion or may have to use anti-diarrhea medicine to limit diarrhea temporarily.
- Headache: If the patient sees a headache when using the drug, you can use conventional pain relievers like paracetamol to ease the headache.
- Abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort: For this phenomenon the patient needs to closely monitor.

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

In case of constant pain, it is necessary to go to the medical facility where the medicine is given to be treated, even to replace another medicine or change the treatment regimen.
- Rash, itching: Like other medications, ARVs can cause allergies. Mild, manifested erythema, itching ... Remedy by: taking more antihistamines. However, if a serious allergy can be life threatening, the drug should be stopped immediately and treated aggressively at qualified medical centers.
- Anemia: Some ARVs work to suppress bone marrow, making the bone marrow less likely to produce red blood cells that cause anemia with dizziness and dizziness.

What To Look Out For When Treated With Hiv Medicine?

Usually appears after 4-6 weeks or may appear after several months of ARV treatment. Can take vitamin B12, iron, folic tablets ... to overcome this situation.
- Sleep disorders, or having nightmares when sleeping: For patients experiencing this symptom should take the drug in the evening, before going to bed. These symptoms are usually not.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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