The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

Enamel is a material layer that can withstand many impacts but is very vulnerable to many causes.
How do enamel protect teeth?
Enamel is a material that acts like an eggshell. It protects the soft and can damage the inside of the teeth.
But unlike the eggshell, the enamel layer is thinner and "more flexible". In fact, enamel is the hardest tissue in the body

It can "stand" even when performing chewing, biting and gnawing operations for decades, of course, must be accompanied by the condition of good enamel and proper dental care.
What makes teeth white?
Enamel appears to be very white, but the fact that underneath the enamel is the dentin determines the whiteness. Enamel is a very hard layer, slightly clear

Over time, coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarettes and other compounds can "stain" the enamel, making it dull, yellow or gray.

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

From erosion of tooth enamel to cavities

Although very hard, very strong, but that does not mean that enamel is indestructible. Acids in food and bacteria can slowly gnaw enamel, causing tooth erosion and creating deep holes.
Enamel can also be broken. And unlike bone, tooth enamel cannot regenerate, which means it will be permanently damaged.
Tooth decay and sensitive teeth
What happens when tooth enamel is damaged? The layers just below the enamel will quickly be damaged leading to cavities. Holes are not the only problem.
When enamel is damaged, the tooth becomes sensitive to "abnormal" temperatures

For example, eating ice cream or drinking hot coffee can cause pain and discomfort.

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

How do bacteria destroy tooth enamel?
The green sticks in the photo are the bacteria that cause gingivitis. After eating, some bacteria in the mouth will "party" to enjoy the sugars from sweet foods and starches. This "festive" process creates acids that destroy tooth enamel.
The acid in sodas, juices and drinks is also harmful, and some even destroy enamel stronger than the acid in a battery. Over time, these acids will erode tooth enamel, shrinking the size of the tooth.
Wine tasting professionals are at greatest risk. Why is that? That's because sipping wine several times a day and gargling will increase the acid's exposure to tooth enamel. That's why you should drink wine, soda or sweet tea with your meal instead of sipping it for hours.

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

Problems related to digestive disorders: This photo shows the erosion of enamel due to anorexia nervosa. Illnesses caused by vomiting or acid reflux can damage tooth enamel.
When stomach acid gets back into the mouth, it can destroy tooth enamel. The disease often causes vomiting, gastrointestinal problems leading to eating disorders also harm teeth.
Problems with dry mouth
If the mouth is dry, due to the side effects of medication or pathology, the acid will "stick" to stay in the mouth longer and cause tooth erosion. The only treatment is to take minerals to enhance enamel health.

Teeth grinding teeth
In the picture, teeth are subjected to friction so much that they cause grooves. Another cause of tooth enamel damage is grinding of your teeth during sleep.

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

Over time, constant tightening and impact will erode tooth enamel. Gnashing teeth during sleep is one of the most uncontrollable bad habits. Therefore, reducing stress is the best way. If not, a protective jaw may be worn at night.
The mouth is not a bottle opener
Your mother is right: never open bottles, cans or anything with your teeth. These behaviors can crack or crack enamel. Nibbling on a pen or a nail or nibbling a melon seed has the same consequences.

Children and enamel erosion
Many experts believe that tooth enamel erosion is on the rise, especially among children.

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

Why? According to some experts, it is because children drink a lot of acid and soda drinks.
Non-tap water (bottled water) is often low in fluoride and is therefore also one of the causes of tooth enamel erosion.
Tips to prevent tooth erosion
There are simple ways to reduce tooth enamel erosion. It is brushing your teeth after eating or drinking. Use a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste.
You can also drink milk or eat some cheese after a meal to help neutralize acids.
Finally, chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol after eating also helps increase salivation..

The Causes Of Tooth Enamel Damage

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