Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

Fever may be a sign of a serious illness but sometimes it is only a manifestation of a common bacterial infection.
Fever in children is always a sign of concern for parents, which is one of the main reasons parents or caregivers take their children for medical examination and emergency.
Having the right knowledge about fever can give us the peace of mind to care for children at home or for early check-ups at health facilities to detect and treat the disease promptly.
According to the literature, a child is called a fever when the temperature measured inside the anus is higher than 38oC. Temperatures measured at other locations on the body are often lower than those in the anus

. So if the temperature in the armpit is 37.5 ° C or higher then it is called a fever.
Fever is not a disease, fever is just a symptom of many different medical conditions
Usually people divide the cause of a fever into two categories: fever from infectious causes and fever from non-bacterial causes.

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

Fever due to common bacterial causes is a manifestation of a viral or bacterial infection. Fever from non-infectious etiologies can occur in a variety of conditions, for example when blood cells are destroyed; when the inflammatory process is disturbed; when breathing is troubled; due to side effects of the drug; due to dehydration; due to heat stroke, heat stroke; fever after vaccination; sometimes due to the central thermostat (hypothalamus) malfunctioning ...
Considering your child has been on medication before the onset of fever will provide additional information to identify the cause of the fever. When detected signs of a history of taking children to health facilities for advice, examination as well as identify information, diagnosis and treatment.
Symptoms are often accompanied by fever
When a child has a fever, along with a rise in body temperature, other common symptoms such as fatigue, fussiness, flushing, sweating, shivering or trembling, older children may complain of a headache

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

It is important to pay close attention to the development of the above signs, however, do not worry or stress that your child has a serious medical condition or complication.
Some children who are in the age group of 6 months to 6 years of age when a sudden rise in temperature may cause a seizure at that time called a child with convulsive fever. When a child has seizures, the legs, arms and certain parts of the body (mouth) can twitch and the eyes will roll backwards.
Although it is a simple convulsive fever, if the seizures are witnessed, it is also very frightening (especially parents and people who directly care for children), but the seizure usually takes no more than 15 minutes and the child recover completely. safe within 1 hour.
What to do when a child has a fever?
In most cases, the cause of fever in children is due to a viral infection so the child will go away on its own and return to normal after a few days.

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

Most parents or caregivers often try to find ways to reduce fever for children in order to avoid possible seizures.
This is not theoretically wrong, but the experience of many experts is that the fever itself has many positive effects on the child's condition, so sometimes the fever should work. its.
However, it is also necessary to reduce fever for children when they have a fever higher than 38.5oC. Warm water can be used to clean children, but it can also make them tremble or startle in shock. So also should not wipe warm water for children when they have a fever but just wipe in a few places such as the forehead, armpits ..

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

The use of antipyretics for children still has conflicting views, but many experts believe that it is advisable to start using antipyretics for children when the temperature measured in the armpits is over 38.5oC. The most commonly used antipyretic drug is paracetamol with the prescribed dosage and no more than 6 times / 24 hours.

Children with fever often lose a lot of water (through sweating, breathing ...) so it is important to encourage children to drink enough water, do not let children diet when sick.

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective

Even more important than trying to find a way to reduce a child's fever even more than antipyretics is the need to closely monitor the fever, give the child a rest and regular temperature pair.
Parents, caregivers must understand, to monitor and identify when taking children for medical examination ... Children should be taken immediately to a health facility when at least one of the following signs:
Not drinking or quitting; Vomiting everything; Convulsions; The child is unusually drowsy or lax; Children have difficulty breathing; Unusual rash; Severe headache; Does the child have a fever after reaching an area with malaria, dengue fever ...
This makes sense in the early diagnosis of the cause of fever and timely treatment interventions.

Children Fever: Do Not Be Subjective


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