Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

A digestive disorder in a child can have a lot of negative effects on the baby's development later, because this is the stage when the baby's body needs a stable source of nutrition.
When digestive disorders occur, the amount of nutrients provided by the body is significantly deprived. The consequence is malnutrition, mental and physical retardation, immune system deficiency. Later, children easily relapse digestive disorders when environmental agents attack the digestive system.
Here are some common digestive disorders in newborn infants that parents should pay attention to, including problems related to symptoms, causes and treatments

This is the most common symptom in infancy. A normal baby also spits up a small amount of milk during or immediately after a feed.
Identification sign
Green moss


Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

No bowel movements 48 hours after birth.
Where there is a risk
When pregnant women have multiple amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid more, over 2 liters).
Immediately after delivery many children talk (foaming crabs).
The baby is too full, the babies suck near each other
The nipple hole is too big or small for the baby's mouth
Mom changed the type of milk that did not match
Wrong position for holding babies
How to fix
Proper handling of a child includes:
The head and the body are in the same line.
The baby's face is facing the breast, the baby's nose is facing the nipple.
Young body close to the mother.
She supports the entire baby's body, not just the neck and shoulders

How to help a good breast latch include:
Mother should touch the baby's lips.

Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

Wait until the child's mouth is wide open.
Feed your baby in a standing position
Quickly bring the baby's mouth to the breast, guide the baby's lower lip below the nipple.
Some gastrointestinal malformations, such as esophageal atrophy, intestinal atrophy, and congenital aneurysm, are responsible for one third of newborn infants who experience vomiting. Mortality may be very high if treatment is delayed.
During the newborn period, a normal baby will often give a small amount of milk during or immediately after a feed
Abdominal pain
Severe abdominal pain with fainting crying. The pain appears suddenly, can last for hours. The baby's face is red or may turn pale. In pain, the abdomen is distended, the legs flex into the abdomen, the hands are clenched.

Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

Abdominal pain in babies can be caused by hunger, too much swallowing when suckling, sucking too much.
Some conditions cause abdominal pain such as flatulence, constipation, intussusception, inguinal hernia.
How to fix
Use a bottle that keeps your child from swallowing too much air. Sit your baby to breastfeed.
Hold your baby in his arms, hold him in front of him or put him in a stroller or bassinet. Pushing your baby gently helps relieve pain
Give the child a warm bath
Abdominal massage for children
Do not force your baby to suckle too much, which may make him uncomfortable. Wait at least two to two and a half hours to feed your baby the next time
Place the baby on your stomach for a while and rub your back gently to relieve pressure on your baby's stomach
Wrap a baby in a large, thin blanket so they feel safe and warm.
Normal babies, especially those who are breastfed, can have 5-10 bowel movements a day, usually after each feed, stool, dark yellow, good weight gain; This is not called diarrhea.

Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

Manifestations of this condition are children passing loose stools more than 3 times / day, lasting no more than 14 days, babies being tired, poorly eating, suddenly vomiting. Others may develop abdominal distention, fever, mucus, bloody stools, etc.
Due to Rotavirus infection, bacteria (E.Coli, Shigella, Campylobacter Jejuni, Samonella, cholera ...), parasites (Amoeba, L. Giardia).

Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

Babies with milk allergy, suck too much
Children with malabsorption syndrome
If mothers take laxatives or eat laxative foods, they may have diarrhea
Characteristics of the body when a child has diarrhea
When diarrhea, children often tired, eat less, anorexia, this situation will affect health, making children lose weight, easily malnourished. Because the child's body produces too much water, it is necessary to drink to make up for it. Without the right amount of water, the body can become dry and lead to other illnesses.
How to fix
Continue to feed normally and increase the number of feeds. Because breast milk is still very well tolerated when diarrhea, less breast milk when breastfeeding, faster recovery, because breast milk contains lactose should still be very well absorbed when diarrhea.
If the child does not have breast milk, feed the cow or formula that the child has been eating before, but feed small amounts of food throughout the day. If bottle-feeding, you need to dilute more (halving the amount of milk, keep the amount of water), feeding at least every 3 hours.
The disease causes malnutrition, even death due to dehydration, salt if not treated promptly.

Gastrointestinal Disorders In Infants

Symptoms of diarrhea are children who have loose stools more than 3 times a day, lasting no more than 14 days
In some infants, bowel movements may occur once a day or every 36-48 hours, but the stool is not dry and the stool is easy to pass, this is not called constipation.
Identification sign
Manifestations of constipation are children who have occasional bowel movements, once every 2-3 days, solid, dry stools, molded, hard like gravel or large, solid, hard belly, feeling painful, have a bowel movement but could not go.
Where there is a risk
Premature babies, asphyxia, hypothyroidism, posterior fissure.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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