What Sickness That Cause Hair Losing?

The condition of the hair reflects the internal health of the body. Diseases and some medications can stop the hair's source of life, causing them to become dry and ‘die’ gradually. Explain the number of people suffering from hair loss is increasing.
However, regardless of the cause, hair loss will affect confidence, increase depression and especially slow recovery. So, don't just worry about your hair, but forget that it could be a manifestation of some disease

Although it is not possible to diagnose yourself solely by looking at the condition of your hair, you can tell by which specialty you need to undergo medical examination:
Our bodies need iron to produce blood cells, red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. And iron deficiency will lead to anemia, which means less red blood cells are produced. With less oxygen being delivered to the scalp, the hair shaft will not receive enough nutrients and as a result, hair loss, from less to more
At that time, hair will become thinner and expose the scalp.

What Sickness That Cause Hair Losing?

Other signs of anemia include pale skin, fatigue and fatigue.
Iron supplementation is now a treatment. However, the lack of vitamin C or the intake of alcoholic beverages or caffeine will also make it difficult for the body to absorb iron. So drink a glass of orange juice, eating plenty of iron-rich foods at the same time will help your hair recover.
Eating disorder
The hair's life cycle can be prevented due to reduced food intake, which leads to a decrease in blood circulation to the scalp. Hair will lose its shine and fall out.
People who lose weight too quickly or suddenly reduce their calorie intake to minimize weight gain often have thin, dull hair

Hair loss rarely lasts forever but having a balanced diet with plenty of protein is vital for restoring hair.

What Sickness That Cause Hair Losing?

Hair is made up of protein and so "protein" for breakfast is especially important because at this time, the amount of protein in the hair root is at its lowest.
The diet also needs many other vitamins, especially B vitamins, poor and essential fatty acids.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women is due to an excess of male sex hormones. This hormone will make it difficult for the hair on the front of the head to grow. This only happens in people with polycystic ovary syndrome born in families with genetic baldness.
This disease also causes the "excess growth" of the hair on the face and body.
Drugs that reduce the amount of male sex hormones will help hair grow back and massage the scalp will help increase blood circulation in the scalp, helping to nourish hair follicles.
Problems of the thyroid gland
The first sign of a thyroid problem is hair loss.

What Sickness That Cause Hair Losing?

Too much or too little thyroid hormone in the body affects the metabolism and life cycle of hair. Hair will fall off in the back, 2 sides and on the top of the head.
Medications or treatments can control the disease. To regrow hair, eat plenty of protein-rich foods and massage your scalp every morning.
Stress can cause premature graying. Hormones that increase in the body during stressful events affect the absorption of B vitamins, which are essential for pigmentation formation.
The feeling of stress also leads to baldness, excessive hair loss on the forehead or sides of the temple due to the immune system turning to attack hair cells.
As well as ways to relax, taking a B vitamin supplement will help "handle" the gray hair problem.

What Sickness That Cause Hair Losing?

Baldness, alopecia, and alopecia have a variety of treatments including steriods or ultraviolet radiation, but in some cases, just wait for the hair to regrow, although it can take several years. .
Not all chemotherapy causes hair loss
One of the characteristic images of cancer is that the chemotherapy patients with bald heads and that it has caused fear when diagnosed with cancer. In fact, it was Phillip's wife, who had been treated for breast cancer in 2006, that grows more than 1cm of hair a month, starting 10 weeks after the end of treatment. However, instead of straight hair, it's kind of curly..

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