Three Interesting Beauty Tips From Tea

Not only helps skin beauty, tea also works to eliminate body odor very well. If before, you only knew how to apply tea bags to your eyes to reduce puffiness, then it is possible that the following beauty methods will help you take advantage of more uses from tea.
Tea contains polyphenols that have a protective effect against free radicals and toxins. In addition, tea also helps reduce inflammation and prevent UV rays very well. That is also the reason why tea has anti-aging effects thanks to its ability to protect from the sun

The best way to use green tea is to use freshly brewed tea to receive great support from this herb.
Green tea toners
Ingredients: 1/4 cup boiling water; 2 tea bags; 1/4 cup Witch hazel (bought from pharmacies)
Boil tea bags in boiling water, soak for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Mix the Witch hazel water in and store in the vial to use
The product is used after washing the face to make the skin smooth, balance the skin's PH level.

Three Interesting Beauty Tips From Tea

Green tea bath water
Composition: Large filter bag; 1/4 cup of dried herbs like chamomile, mint, verbena ...; 1/4 cup dry tea; 1/4 cup sea salt
Implementation: Put everything into a bag and soak in the tub will have a very good shower water, helps the body completely relaxed and radiant skin.
Feet care
In the dry season, your feet often smell and cracked by using socks and closed shoes. The tannin in tea helps to balance the PH level to care for the skin of the feet.
Soak two tea bags in hot water and mix with 2 liters of water to have a very good foot bath mixture for 30 minutes

You should do this every day so that your feet are soft and fragrant.

Three Interesting Beauty Tips From Tea


. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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