7 Common Types Of Tongue Disease

The tongue helps us recognize the taste of food, chew and swallow. Therefore, attention should be paid to tongue care and hygiene habits to avoid related diseases such as glossitis, tongue cancer ...

Pathological glossitis
Bacterial, fungal, hypersensitive glossitis may be a primary disease of the tongue or a symptom of another disease such as a vitamin deficiency body, especially a B-vitamin, vitamin PP deficiency, pernicious anemia or iron deficiency; Some skin diseases develop on the whole body such as lichen flat, silkworm, syphilis, cancer….
The common manifestation is that the tongue may be red, swollen, blistered, cracked, sore or pale, shiny, smooth, painful, or not.
There can be divided into 3 types of glossitis:
Acute glossitis: sudden inflammation of the tongue accompanied by severe symptoms
Chronic glossitis: recurrent inflammation of the tongue
Hunter glossitis (atrophic glossitis): the disease develops when multiple papillae are lost, the tongue changes in color and texture of the tongue
Treatment of glossitis should follow the instructions of a doctor, can use antibiotics if infected with bacteria, antiviral if caused by viruses, antifungal if caused by fungal infections, vitamin supplements if glossitis due to lack of vitamins

In addition, patients need clean oral hygiene, avoid hot spicy stimulants, alcohol.

7 Common Types Of Tongue Disease

Migratory glossitis
This is a disease caused by the surface of the tongue itself changing skin, the top layer of the tongue skin is not often replaced or the skin of the tongue is peeling too soon leaving a red, scratchy area on the skin leading to tongue pain. Other causes may be due to a family history or a cracked tongue.
People with migratory glossitis will have atrophic reddish areas with a slight yellow border, usually located on the back of the tongue but may also appear on the front of the tongue or the floor of the mouth.
Migratory glossitis is not dangerous and usually resolves on its own but also causes discomfort for sufferers. Symptoms can be treated with regular mouthwash and good oral hygiene.
To prevent migratory glossitis need:
Do not eat hot, salty or acidic foods
No smoking
Do not use toothpaste containing heavy aromas, whitening agents
Glossitis map
Called map glossitis because the zigzag edges make the surface of the tongue look like a map shape, which appears for a long time. Symptoms on the back of the tongue appear white borders, the inside is darker than the normal tongue color, causing tongue loss

Map glossitis is also a benign inflammatory disease, if not ulcerated, does not affect the daily life.

7 Common Types Of Tongue Disease

Can be treated with analgesics, anti-inflammatory, topical medications as prescribed by the doctor and gargle, clean oral hygiene. In addition, patients avoid hot, spicy foods and alcoholic beverages.
Apthae tongue ulcers
Apthae tongue ulceration is a condition where the tongue appears sores on the face of the tongue or at the tip of the tongue, which makes the patient very uncomfortable and painful, affecting chewing and pronunciation function. Recurrent ulcers will cause people to lose weight, worry, and reduce their quality of life.
Apthae ulcers can be divided into 3 categories according to size, number, and duration of the ulcer:
Small apthae ulcer: the number of one or more, the size is less than 5mm, in 7-10 days will heal, leave no scars
Large apthae ulcer: the size of one or more, size 1-3 cm, lasts up to 6 weeks, when scarring will leave scars
Herpes ulcer: the number of 10-100 is 1-3mm in size, shallow ulcer and less than 7 days will cure.
Factors that can cause apthae ulcers can be caused by: genetic factors, mechanical trauma, smoking, anemia, hormonal changes, stress ...

7 Common Types Of Tongue Disease

Patients with the disease need to be treated according to a doctor's prescription that can be applied topically or systemically. More tests should be done to see if there is anemia.
White tongue
White tongue is a condition where the tongue is not bright pink, but the white color of the whole tongue surface due to infection. White tongue is mainly due to poor oral hygiene habits, bad breath, dry mouth, or smoking and drinking alcohol.
Overcoming the situation of white tongue is very simple, just clean your mouth, clean your tongue regularly, drink plenty of water and juice to clean your mouth.
In addition, patients can clean the mouth by cleaning the tongue and oral mucosa gently with honey mixed with a little turmeric powder will help the tongue and mouth mucosa recover.
Leukoplakia is a type of lesion that tends to be malignant, the tongue and the floor of the mouth appear uniform white patches that can be benign or malignant so the patient cannot be subjective, a biopsy is needed to determine the level. sick.

7 Common Types Of Tongue Disease

The exact cause of leukoplakia has not been determined specifically, the risk of the disease may be increased due to factors such as smoking, stimulant use, drinking alcohol, etc.
The following methods can be used to treat leukoplakia:
Benign illness: ulcers will heal on their own, without any treatment, just avoid risk factors.
Malignancy: when a biopsy is positive for oral cancer, ulcers should be removed to avoid spreading cancer.
Room n.

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