Clam – Good Food For Men

Clam also known as clam or clam, scientific name Meretrix meretrix L belongs to clam family (Veneridae), meat and shells are used as medicine in Eastern medicine to treat many conditions.
Traditional Chinese clam meat is known as far from humiliation, welding, salty sweetness, non-toxic, has the function of detoxifying, consuming, circulating, irrigation, sputum, treating cough of phlegm with cough, stomach ulcer colon, haemorrhage, burns, hemorrhoids.
In addition, it can also treat edema, jaundice, tropical women, goiter, pulmonary tuberculosis, vaginal discharge, asthma, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, burns, injuries ..

Eastern medicine called clam shell is Van cable, corpse cable or chalk cable, containing calcium with high content in the form of salt carbonate, phosphate and sulfate.
Medicinal herbs have a salty taste, average calculation, low benefit, cool liver, chemotherapy. Treating heat disturbance, sore throat, cough, phlegm, gonorrhea, music, hemorrhoids

Clam - Good Food For Men

The Pharmacopoeia book indicates only: Melting phlegm, curing boils, wickedness, pimples with blood and poisonous pus.
The average dose per decoction pill or oral powder from 12-20g per day. How to use as cooked meat to eat, also dried shells, pulverized called clam shell powder, distilled use gradually.
It has also analyzed the main composition of clam meat mainly protein 10.8%; lipid 1.6%; carbuahydrate 4
65%; calcium, iron, phosphor, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP .

Clam - Good Food For Men

In 1,000g of dried clam meat, there are 2,400 micrograms of iodine. More specifically, clam meat is also a food that has aphrodisiac effect like bivalve molluscs such as clams, oysters, mussels, oysters ... because they contain compounds that have a release effect. Sex hormones, when consumed, are absorbed by the body.

Clam - Good Food For Men

Indeed, for centuries, it was believed that molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, etc., have aphrodisiac properties.
According to the scientists, compounds like Daspartic acid and NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) in bivalve shellfish stimulate the production of testosterone and estrogen in humans every time it is eaten.
For reference and application, here are some typical remedies for treatment of clam diseases:
Enhance physiology: Clam meat 50-100g, delicious rice 30g, onions, herbs, spices just enough. Put rice in the clam boiled water to cook as porridge, then cook the clams for a few moments and then season with spices, onions, herbs just enough, north out, eat hot at the side of the day. Can eat for weeks, men and women are good.
Steamed roasted clams steamed with lemongrass: 0.5kg clams, 1 fruit tomatoes, green peppers, red peppers, garlic, dry onions, butter, cooking oil .

Clam - Good Food For Men

.. Nga clean up on the grill to ripen, split the clam shells to get the meat shell Serve on a plate, presented with green chilli, tomatoes, red peppers pruning flowers, minced very finely chopped.
Onion, crushed garlic, mince hot pan, add cooking oil and 1 tablespoon of butter, wait until hot and aged for minced garlic topped with aromatic, after onion, medium-scented garlic is hot on the plate of clams sprinkled with red chilli mince makes clams ripen, soften, add the aroma of onions and garlic, and the taste of butter is done. Eat hot.
Treatment of cataract: According to Chinese documents said: Take meat clams with blood cockle meat, semen cup (50g each), dried stars are small.
Pig liver 100g, thinly sliced, rice water a large bowl, put in to cook for like, then bring out to eat both water and the female, once a day before going to bed..

Clam - Good Food For Men

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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