Food Medication For Oral Diseases

Once upon a time there was the phrase "The first sore eyes, the second sore teeth". Although toothache is not dangerous, it is very painful and extremely painful.
There are many causes of toothache such as tooth decay, gingivitis, unscientific eating, etc. Adults and children all suffer from it, but children often have more.
According to Eastern medicine, the cause is due to poor blood pressure, damage to fire, punishment for organs, spleen, kidney and kidney

. Besides medication, should combine eating to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Here are some dishes - all remedies for toothache, readers can refer to.
Lesson 1: Gypsum porridge: live plaster 60 - 90g, brown rice 100g
Put clean rice and gypsum into the pot, 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer, simmer into porridge and remove gypsum, add white sugar, divide into 2 meals a day.

Food Medication For Oral Diseases

Lesson 2: Boiling pork bone with potting root: 200g pig backbone, 30g pear root, enough salt, 1,200ml water. All put into a pot to simmer, then reduce the heat to simmer 400ml, salt for seasoning salt.
Lesson 1: Atrial tofu porridge: 1 cover tofu, atrial ear 25g, brown rice 100g. Bring eardrum wrapped in cloth bags and then put in the pot with tofu and rice that has been washed and cooked into porridge, divided into 2 meals a day. Effect: canopy, low reduction, clear heat, inflammation, trauma decay tooth decay.
Lesson 2: Porridge ginseng with birth, field: 15g ginseng, field 15g, land 15g, brown rice 100g. First for 3 flavors with water thoroughly cooked and poured the clean rice into porridge, divided into 2-3 meals a day
Lesson 3: Pork stomach cooked with radish: ripe pig stomach 100g, white radish 100g, onion 10g, ginger 5g, brown rice 100g, spices just right

Put the stomach of the sliced pork and turnip into the pan to cook well, add the spices and scoop out the bowl.

Food Medication For Oral Diseases

Washed rice with 1 liter of water cooked into porridge. Porridge cooked into a bowl of radish stomach pig. Eat 2 times a day.
Bleeding teeth
Lesson 1: Porridge of death, secretion: death 10g, secretion of 15g (burning lotus root), gypsum live 15g, brown rice 100g.
Put gypsum in boiling water for 30 minutes, then put the limbs and cook the lotus root into a porridge, decant the residue to get water, then pour the clean rice to cook into porridge. Use 1 dose day, use immediately for 7 days.
Lesson 2: Porridge vinegar, bamboo architecture: pearl bamboo architecture 15g, brown rice 100g, sufficient rice vinegar. Pour water into pearl bamboo, cook thoroughly, then remove the residue, pour clean rice and cook into porridge, divide and eat 2 times a day.

Food Medication For Oral Diseases

Lesson 3: Porch porridge with biosphere: 60g porch veggies, 15g biosphere, burning fresh lotus root 30g, brown rice 100g. Let the 3 above cook water and pour the already washed rice into it into porridge. Divide eat 2 times a day.
Lesson 4: Dutch Lady Porridge cooked with peanuts, peanut shells: 15g, 3g peanuts, brown rice 60g. For soft water soaked in capital, then take water for medicine, pour rice into shells of peanuts, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer into porridge. Day 1 dose, continuous 4-5 days.

Lesson 5: Goldfish soup cooked with wood ear fungus porch: big goldfish meat 250g, wood ear soaked in salt bloom 250g, porch soaked bloom 250g, salt MSG enough. Fish cleaned, finely chopped, bring fry oil 1 slice.

Food Medication For Oral Diseases

Jupiteria wash finely chopped. All into the pot, enough water, cooked with cooked fish and then salt, MSG just eat. Eat hot breakfast and dinner 2 days.
Lesson 6: Pig skin cooked with jujube: pork skin 500g, jujube 250g, alum sugar 250g. Pig clean, cut pieces, put into a pot of earth, enough water, simmer for 15 minutes and then turn to simmer for 2 hours.
Wash apples, boil water for 15 minutes, then simmer 1-2 hours, bring both into the next module. When you see the pork skin cooked, add sugar to alum, mix things well. Divide 2-3 times a day.

Food Medication For Oral Diseases


. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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