How To Move Safely For Pregnant Women

You wonder how to move properly and safely for the fetus during pregnancy. Travel trips, visiting relatives or simply going to work with a fairly long distance also make you hesitate. Some of the detailed tips below will help you.
Moving on land
Road vehicles such as cars, buses and trains are mostly safe for pregnant women. However, you can refer to some of the following guidelines for absolute fetal safety:
- When riding in a car, you must make sure that you have seat belts

- Keep airbags in the car open. It works more than you think.
- If you take the bus, then you have to constantly stop the car when going to the points
Therefore, it is safest to sit somewhere not near the entrance, with armrests in front and next to the better.

How To Move Safely For Pregnant Women

- Trains usually have small compartments and you can move on them if you feel uncomfortable in your body. However, you have to cling to a strong railing when moving. The way to sit on the train is to turn around when the train is moving.
- The time you travel on trains, buses, cars should not be too long, about 5-6 hours is reasonable.
- If you have nothing to do with the use of transportation like this, you should not sit still in the room.
A little exercise will help you feel better and the fetus will be more flexible. You can walk, walk outside the park or exercise according to a special regime for pregnant women

Travel by air
Traveling by plane during pregnancy is safe for pregnant women who are healthy and not at risk of illness.

How To Move Safely For Pregnant Women

For women at risk of medical or obstetric conditions, traveling by plane is not recommended.
Most airlines allow pregnant passengers to travel until the 36th week of pregnancy, specifically:
Under 32 weeks gestation: Transport as a normal passenger
From the 32nd to 36th gestation week: Before the flight must have a health certificate
After 36 weeks gestation or expected to give birth within 7 days: flight is not allowed for health safety.
In addition, the following cases are not recommended when traveling by air:
The risk of early labor before birth
Pregnant women have severe anemia, lower levels of red blood cells in the blood
Pregnant women have sickle cell disease and have recently had severe hemolytic episodes
Vaginal bleeding
Have trouble breathing or have lung problems
The problem that can happen to some pregnant mothers when flying is the situation:
Swelling in the legs due to fluid retention (leg edema)
Stuffy nose or problems with the ears (ringing in the ears)
Morning sickness during pregnancy (nausea, dizziness)
Deep vein thrombosis: a condition that forms a blood clot in the leg or pelvis, the risk increases with time traveled on the plane
Traveling on pregnant women is also safe unless you take the following measures:
Before flight
If traveling, pregnant women need to plan carefully, should only travel for 3 months between pregnancy to ensure safety for mother and baby
Examination and consultation with the doctor: Before the flight, the pregnant mother needs to have a health check and get a health certificate because many airlines require this certificate to be able to fly. To prevent early labor during traveling or visiting relatives, business mothers also need to bring medical records and ultrasound in their luggage.
Maintain good health: In order to have a safe flight, pregnant women need to maintain good health, rest easy to avoid fatigue, high altitude sickness ....

How To Move Safely For Pregnant Women

Bring adequate and careful luggage, do not forget small pillows to help your back comfortable, wear comfortable clothes, anti-nausea medicine ...
In flight
Pregnant women should sit near the aisle to facilitate travel to travel, and choose seats that can stretch your legs comfortably, as well as recline.
On the plane, the aisle and the toilet are usually small and narrow. That is a big challenge for you. When you go, you should hold on to the chair or if you go with your husband, ask him to support you.
Drink water continuously to keep water, avoid carbonated drinks
Remember to buckle up during the flight
Traveling by waterway
Water travel is also safe for pregnant women, but it can cause symptoms like nausea, just like you have morning sickness if you take this vehicle in the first 3 or 3 months of pregnancy.

How To Move Safely For Pregnant Women

In addition, women at risk of pregnancy complications such as premature birth should avoid traveling by water.
To have a safe and comfortable waterway trip, pregnant women should refer to some tips below:
Before booking a ticket on a cruise ship, you need to check the information on whether the ship has health care and make sure you get care if something wrong happens to the fetus.
Before you take the train, you can take some anti-seasickness measures.
Should wear a life jacket to ensure safety, do not move too much on board
Don't be too stressed or worried, try to relax
Do not drink alcoholic beverages or water.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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