Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

Insomnia is a very common situation, not only occurs in the elderly but also in young people. So is there a way to get a good night's sleep?
Sleeping time varies from person to person. Healthy adults need 7.5 to 9 hours to sleep a night; Children and teens need more, from 12-18 years old can sleep from 8.5-10 hours

. Our sleep time will decrease with age, the older people sleep, the shorter and less deep.
Sleep and wake up on time: including weekends or weekends. Our sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a "biological clock" in the brain and balances the body's sleep and wake time
Regularly waking up at a fixed time in the morning boosts biological function and can help you fall asleep at night.

Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

Establish a bedtime routine: with relaxing therapies, such as taking a soak in a warm bath or warm bath and then reading a book or listening to soothing music.
Avoid agitation activities before bedtime such as working, paying bills, participating in competitive games or solving family problems.
Some studies show that soaking in warm water before bed can easily transition into deeper sleep, but it must be done properly so that you no longer sweat or overheat.
If you are unable to avoid stress, you should consider relaxation therapy from an expert. Lastly, avoiding exposure to light before bed, the darkness helps our brain secrete melatonin, reduces alertness, increases feelings of drowsiness, and causes physiological sleep, helping us sleep better and deeper. .
Creating a favorable environment: the necessary conditions for your sleep: cool, quiet, adjust the light when needed, comfortable and uninterrupted

Your bedroom reflects the value you put to sleep.

Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

Check your room for noises or other distractions, such as disrupting sleep, such as light, snoring and hot, humid environments, humidity, fans and other devices ...
Soft mattresses and pillows: usually with good quality mattress, you have used for about 9 or 10 years is okay. Having pillows, clean sheets, comfortable hypoallergenic and attractive room will help you fall asleep easier.
The bedroom is for sleeping only: it's best to get your computer and television out of your bedroom. Your bed is for sleep only and for your couple only, to enhance the connection between bed and sleep.
If you have a habit of looking at your watch to calculate how many hours you sleep, or why you still cannot sleep now (the solution is to move the watch out of sight).

Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

Eat 2 to 3 hours before bedtime: eating or drinking too much can make you less comfortable at bedtime. In addition, spicy foods can cause heartburn, leading to trouble sleeping and discomfort at night.
Try to limit liquids near bedtime to avoid waking up at night to go to the toilet, but some of you will find milk, or decaffeinated herbal teas, have a soothing and beneficial effect before bed. .
Exercise regularly: Regular exercise makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sleep. However, exercising infrequently or right before going to bed just before going to bed will make getting to sleep more difficult.
Therefore, you should finish exercising at least 3 hours before going to bed. Exercising in the afternoon for 5 - 6 o'clock is the perfect way to help you sleep well at night.

Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

Avoid stimulants such as caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) and nicotine near bedtime. It can make you awake and have trouble sleeping because they are stimulants. Avoiding caffeine for 6 to 8 hours before going to bed can help improve sleep quality.
Smoking cigarettes before bed makes it harder for you to fall asleep and when you wake up in the morning, can also cause nightmares.
You should also avoid drinking alcohol before bed, though many people think that alcohol is a sedative. Alcohol really disrupts sleep, waking up at night.
Do not sleep during the day: because at night you cannot sleep, many of you often sleep during the day, but this solution in the long term will create a really bad habit for your health. Therefore, you should avoid napping or "take a nap" during the day.

Ways To Help You Have A Deep, Delicious Sleep

When should you see a doctor?
If you've tried the tips above, but you're still having trouble sleeping, you may have a sleep disorder that requires treatment with a psychiatrist. That's when you are still having trouble due to the following signs:
-In the daytime you are constantly sleepy or tired.
- Snoring accompanied or pause breathing during sleep.
- Difficult to go to sleep or sleep again after waking.
- Frequent morning headache, drowsiness without excitement of a new day begins.
- Go to sleep at inappropriate times..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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