Improve Anemia With Medication

Blood tonic includes substances that make up the blood cells. They are often found in food but due to inadequate diet, the body is ill, poorly absorbed, and lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement by medicine.
Iron pills and asthenic anemia
In the stomach, iron turns into chemotherapy (+2), which travels down the lining of the intestine (duodenum) and is picked up by apoferitin and converted into chemotherapy iron (+3) into the bloodstream, into tissues. There, the complex releases iron, apoferrin returns to pick up new iron (+2)

For the most part, iron is concentrated in the bone marrow, combined with globulins, which makes red blood cells. The rest is stored in the liver, bone marrow, spleen, endothelial tissue system (ferritin, hemosiderin).
Iron in red blood cells accounts for 65-75%, reserve iron accounts for 15-30% of total iron
Causes of iron deficiency due to:
Lots of blood loss: In hemodialysis patients, stomach bleeding, intestinal bleeding (caused by pinworms), haematuria, prolonged menstruation .

Improve Anemia With Medication

Not eating enough: The daily iron requirement for men is 1mg, for women is 1.6-2mg. The body only absorbs 10-15% iron from animal food, 5% from plants.
The percentage of iron in plants is lower than in animals, in aquatic animals lower than on land. Eating less, not enough variety (vegetarian), improperly (only eating juice) will be iron deficiency

Increasing needs: From pregnancy to 6 months of age, mothers need about 955mg more iron.

Improve Anemia With Medication

When erythropoietin (EPO) stimulates erythropoiesis, more iron is needed. Without proper dietary modification, iron deficiency (40-50% of pregnant women will be iron deficient).
Iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia
Poor absorption: old age, diseased (intestinal) iron absorption decreases. Using alkaline drugs (natribicarbonate, aluminum salts, calcium carbonate salts) interferes with the absorption of iron.
Iron supplements need to be right: Need iron, need both porphyrin and protein to make red blood cells, so when iron deficiency, lack of nutrition, there is asthenic anemia, also known as nutritional anemia. Iron supplementation must be accompanied by nutritional supplements (especially protein).
Using the oral form will cause less complications. Only 20% of users experience epigastric pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea (due to laxative combination), darkened gums, black stools (but no harm), which only occurs when doses are taken high.

Improve Anemia With Medication

When taking iron, it is necessary to drink on an empty stomach so that iron can absorb better. Means drinking 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating.
Intramuscular form causes soreness, skin discoloration at the injection site, allergies, fever, heart palpitations, joint pain, leukocytosis, enlarged lymph nodes. Intravenous form causes spasms, phlebitis, allergies, anaphylactic shock (possibly death).
Overdose rarely causes excess iron (because it depends on the gene), but can cause necrosis of the intestinal mucosa, gastrointestinal bleeding, and shock.
Folic acid with megaloblastic anemia
Folic acid is reduced to tetrahydro. In this form, it is involved in many metabolic processes, including nucleotide synthesis with purine nucleus or pirimidin, an indispensable element in erythropoiesis.
In the absence of folic acid, the blood-forming cells in the marrow become deformed, enlarge, called megaloblastic anemia.

Improve Anemia With Medication

Folic acid (in the form of folate) is found in many foods and is easily absorbed (about 60%) but it is easy to spoil during storage and easily decomposed by heat.
People who eat monotonous foods, eat fast foods such as canned food, instant noodles, dry fried foods (folic acid is lost much), and alcoholics (poorly absorbed folic acid) will lack folic acid. Can be supplemented with food or folic acid supplemented milk, but lacking in many and prolonged use of drugs.
Take folic acid supplements with medication if you are deficient
Vitamin B12 and megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia
Vitamin B12 indirectly affects DNA synthesis. Without it, the process of making tetrahydrofolate is hindered, the hematopoietic cell grows big called big red anemia. When you don't eat enough (like vitamin B12 is only found in animals but are only vegetarian), B12 deficiency is easily.
In the stomach, there is a protective factor of vitamin B12, lacking this factor, even though eating enough, vitamin B12 is not absorbed, leading to large red blood cells, this is different from the above case, called anemia. Malignant (pernicious anemia).

Improve Anemia With Medication

Vitamin B12 is used to treat anemia (in combination with folic acid). When cured does not require maintenance doses. But in the treatment of pernicious anemia, take the daily dose, then switch to the maintenance dose once a week, then once a month and must be used for life (because it can not create protective factor of vitamin B12).
Erythropoietin (EPO), testosterone and non-renewable anemia
Testosteron stimulates the kidneys to produce EPO. EPO stimulates the production of red blood cells. Both are used in non-renewable anemia, but testosteron used when the kidney is still capable of creating EPO, when kidney failure (during hemodialysis) requires EPO.
These are difficult drugs in both indications and techniques. Therefore, when taking it must be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.

Improve Anemia With Medication


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