The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Vietnam is located in the tropical monsoon region, sunny, rainy, temperature, humidity, climate is always changing so the number of people suffering from joint diseases a lot. The common symptom is swelling, redness and pain of joints, cold and wet rain, increased or recurrent pain, becoming a chronic disease.
The external cause according to Eastern medicine is due to the low pressure of solder, invading the body, causing loss of pleasure, blood loss of pleasure, muscle spasms ..

. The internal cause is due to kidney failure and impaired blood gas, ability The body's defense is weak, thereby causing illness.
According to Oriental medicine, rheumatoid arthritis has 2 types of acute and chronic. Here are some herbal remedies to treat each disease

Acute arthritis
Sore joints, fever, tired body, sometimes accompanied by sore throat, sore throat.

The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Joint pain increases when cold and wet. Treatment: welding room, anti-inflammatory, systemic. Use one of the articles:
Lesson 1: 16g grapefruit roots, 20g ground spirit, 12g climbing spines, male procedures 20g, 16g polygonum, bodhi 16g, cinnamon 8g, millennium 10g, licorice 10g. Sac drank on a ladder, divided 3 times.
Lesson 2: cross-frame 10g, scratched grass 10g, bowl 12g, millet blood 20g, wormwood 16g, parasitic mourning 16g, cinnamon 8g, millennium 10g, cereals 16g, 10g cranes. Sac drank on a ladder, divided 3 times.
Lesson 3: male customs, cereals, wormwood, virgin, mill, single flower, millet blood, far from the money every 24g
On using 1 ladder, 3 times excellent drink 3 times.

The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic arthritis
Pain in joints, swollen joints not swollen, people with no fever, limited movement, increased pain when the weather changes, with stiffness, common in the elderly. Treatment: except leprosy, low gums in combination with kidney and blood tonic. Use one of the articles:
Lesson 1: dong quai 12g, white ginseng 12g, 20g blood behind, 20g virgin, 20g grapefruit, hygia 20g, 20g clove, male 20g paragraph, cinnamon 8g, millennium of 10g. Sac drank on a ladder, divided 3 times. 15 - 17 days is a course.
Lesson 2: subdue spirit 20g, virgin 20g, bodhi bone 16g, wormwood 16g, marjoram 16g, defensive glutinous rice 16g, millet blood 20g, 12g all bowl, 12g, 12g, draft 12g. Sac drank on a ladder, divided 3 times.
- If pain is not good enough, Gia: dark apple with 16g, 12g telecommunication, 20g passion.

The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

- Common cold, gastrointestinal disorders, family: white agar 16g, painted enemy 10g, salary Khuong 12g.
- Eating poorly, body weakness, family: great apple 5 fruits, royal period 16g, born Khuong 6g, ginseng 10g.
- Cough asthma, dyspnea, sputum, family: perilla 12g, wing sand 12g, semipreciate 10g, postpartum 10g.
Combination of excellent decoction with external massage drugs such as cinnamon 20g, millenium bales 20g, star anise 20g, angelica 24g, transgender frame 20g, pelvis 30g, sorghum khong 20g, dried ginger 20g, ceiling 20g, Rustic bowl 20g. The finely chopped, put into glass bottles, filled with alcohol to soak. After 10 days is usable. Use a medicated cotton swab to swollen painful areas..

The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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