Reason And Treatment For Wart

The rice grain is a localized thickening of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Clinical manifestations
There are many different types caused by different types of HPV.
Nuts of the foot
The most common form is myrmecie (caused by HPV type 1).
Basic lesions: a round, thick, deep horn that hurts especially when moving or touching it, often alone or with a few single lesions. Disc lesions around the ring by a thick ring of horns, the thick central part of which the surface forms black spots (possibly due to capillary blockage or clogged with dust)

. This is a common type of injury.
Normal rice grain
Caused by HPV type 2. Lesions are wounds that are outside the hemispherical or flattened surface a few mm to 1-2 cm in diameter, in the center of which can be sunken
The surface of the rice increases spikes, even forming grooves, into grooves.

Reason And Treatment For Wart

Surrounding the horns, there are adjacent horns forming like a well. The numbers vary from a few to a few dozen, sometimes gathering.
Common position on the back of the hand and fingers, rarely seen in the palm of the hand.
Rice filiformes dominate the position of the natural cavities (semiautomatic) or the neck region, beard growing areas (self-infected by shaving) often associated with hemispherical lesions, glossy surfaces. Hand rice kernels were caused by HPV2 and HPV1 (13%). More rarely are wart lesions in or out, associated with HPV4 or HPV7.
Flat rice grain
Caused by HPV type 3

Reason And Treatment For Wart

Lesions are small papules that rarely float high, yellow or pale yellow, glossy, slender surfaces, often clustered (because when a patient scratches a grain of rice that can grow in a scratch called Koebner phenomenon) or forming an array, the feeling is usually a bit itchy. Dominant position on back of hands, fingers, arms, knees and front legs.
Common in immunocompromised individuals, with high lesions or large sizes. It persists for months or years, with signs of surrounding inflammation or hypopigmentation.
Treatment of rice grain acne
Treatment at the site of acne
- Eliminate damage by the following measures:
+ Using drugs to destroy the disease organization: Salicylique acid 10-20%, podophylline 15-20% applied 2 times per week, washed after 6 hours; 20% glutiradehyde solution, saturated trichloracetique acid, use caution when using this method on the face. Can use crem retinoique acid or emulsion form in 3-6 weeks. Using 0.1% bléomycine solution injected in lesions to treat rice grains in the skin.

Reason And Treatment For Wart

Or you can use retinoide injection in lesions.
+ Using physical methods
Refrigeration destroys disease organizations with liquid nitrogen. The best treatment available today is destroying damage with CO2 lasers, superheating or plasma electrocoagulation.
Systemic treatment
Topical or systemic immunotherapy (lévamyzole) is used in cases of resistance to the above treatments, changing results, or intramuscular interferon-alpha 2.
Psychotherapy can also treat this disease..

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