10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

Cold baths are not only good for the circulatory system in the body but also increase blood circulation and help you lose weight faster.
We still think that taking a hot bath is better for the body because it helps the body recover energy quickly and reduce muscle tension and stress. But what about cold showers, is there any effect on health? The answer is yes.
Here are 10 reasons why taking a cold shower is good for your health:
1. Enhance immunity
Cold showers from the shower will sometimes be considered a tonic to prevent colds, flu, and infections

. An experiment in Prague investigated the effect of cold water on young, healthy men. They bathed in water at 14 ° C, three times a week for six weeks. The results showed a lot of changes, two types of white blood cells: monocytes and lymphocytes increased, in which, some lymphocytes have the effect of eliminating bacteria, viruses, and toxins

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

Researchers believe that the metabolic rate increases when taking cold showers. It results from the body warming, activating the immune system and releasing more white blood cells in response. So it is true that people who regularly take cold showers under the shower are less likely to develop colds, flu, and even some forms of cancer.
2. Improve blood circulation
Good blood circulation is important for general cardiovascular health. Alternating between hot and cold water during bathing, is an easy way to improve circulation. When exposed to cold water, our arteries and veins shrink or tighten
This process is called ‘vasoconstriction’.

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

Constriction will help blood flow at a higher pressure because there is less space for blood to circulate.
'Vasodilation' is the opposite effect, and is done when we are exposed to heat or hot water. The natural tendency of the body when it is exposed to cold water is that your blood rapidly circulates to your vital organs to keep them warm, thereby increasing your overall blood circulation. Good blood circulation helps prevent problems like hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and the appearance of varicose veins.
3. Air conditioning
Cold showers under the shower are a gentle way of reducing stress, which can lead to heat. It also activates the adaptive repair system of the body. If you have chronic hand pain and cold feet, or feel that you are sweating erratically, try taking a cold shower.

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

4. Promote weight loss / Increase metabolism
Exposure to cold water stimulates the production of brown fat, boosts metabolism, burns more energy and means more weight loss.
5. Alleviate depression
A cold shower may help and prevent depression. Research at the Department of Radiological Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University shows that cold water has a stimulating effect on the brain's 'green spots' - the main sources of noradrenaline for our bodies. Noradrenaline is a chemical that can be used to help ease depression.
6. Improve the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is a separate duct system from our blood vessels, responsible for carrying waste from cells as well as helping fight pathogens.

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

Unlike blood vessels, the lymphatic system has no blood, it takes away waste and white blood cells and treats infections. Also different from the heart blood vessels do not pump lymph around the body like blood. This lymph is based on muscle contraction. Squeeze the lymphs into the thoracic tubes so that the lymph can mix with the blood and then processed by the organs.
7. Good for breath
Cold showers help you to practice the habit of deep breathing, which counteracts the stress of shocks, vasoconstriction and the overall need for breathing oxygen and keeps yourself warm. This process makes the lungs open like a strenuous exercise and results in a large amount of aoxy entering the body.

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

Keep skin and hair healthy
It is well known that hot water dries out our skin and hair. But, cold water can make hair shiny and healthier by tightening the cuticles and pores, preventing them from clogging, reducing the risk of acne. Cold water also contributes to detoxification by squeezing toxins and waste products out of the skin. In addition, cold water closes the epidermis, making it stronger and preventing dirt from easily accumulating in our scalp.
9. Increase energy
There are many mental benefits of taking a cold shower. Ancient samurai warriors were used to rush cold river water over their heads every morning during a Shinto practice called Misogi. This is a ritual of purification on the spiritual side.

10 Reasons To Bathe In Cold Water Is Good For Your Health

They believe that it cleanses their spirits and helps them start a new day alert and healthy. Cold showers can definitely leave a feeling of energy and energy as the heart pumps blood through the body to help get rid of sleepiness from the previous night's sleep.
10. Increase hormone production
One of the benefits of a cold bath is that it enhances fertility.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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