Gout Who Eat Yogurt?

Why people with gout fasting sour but yogurt is good?
Doctors consulting nutrition clinics share that the diet of gout patients should reduce acidic drinks such as oranges, lemons, or citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C because it increases the risk of uric acid deposition in joints. , causing acute arthritis and increased risk of urate crystallization in the renal tubules, increased risk of kidney stones. Drinking high-carbonated non-carbonated mineral water increases uric acid excretion and limits urate crystallization, reducing the risk of kidney stones.
Milk and milk products such as yogurt are good foods for the prevention and treatment of gout. Gout patients should use 1 box of yogurt / day is appropriate

. This moderate intake not only helps support the gout nutrition very well, but does not affect the uric acid deposition situation.
This is because yogurt is a product of fermentation of animal milk by a number of bacteria including: streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus bungaricus, streptococcus lactic, lactobacillus caucasicus, streptococcus cremoris, yeast, etc. Simple sugars, reducing the pH of yogurt leads to the coagulation of calcium in milk, converting part of casein (protein in milk) into peptone, amino acid

The doctor also emphasized that the fermentation process gives yogurt some bacteria to create enzymes that help the intestinal tract, help the digestive system work well .

Gout Who Eat Yogurt?

.. Lactose is converted into lactic acid in yogurt. It also helps stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, inactivates some harmful chemicals, stimulates digestion, creates appetite and increases the efficiency of absorbing nutrients from food. With moderate levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and properly interpreted, yogurt can both reduce hunger and help maintain stable blood sugar levels..

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