Pumpkin – Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

Pumpkin is also known as pumpkin, barley, or male over. Pumpkin is a plant that is both used for food and medicine, grown in all regions of our country.
All parts of the pumpkin plant such as young leaves, tops of buds, flower buds and young fruits can be used as very tasty and nutritious vegetables, becoming a specialty dish of many regions. Vegetable squash is also used to cure dizziness headaches, in the form of stir-fries, cooking soup, each time can be several hundred grams. Week should use 1-2 times

Pumpkin pulp is also known as the pumpkin flesh contains 87% water, 1.40% protid, 0.5% lipid, 9% non-nitrogen, 2
80% sugar, xanthophin vitamins B1, B2, C .

Pumpkin - Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

.. and many trace elements such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn ... Also contain carotene, a powerful antioxidant, enhance immunity, prevent disease and anti-aging for the body.
According to folk experience, pumpkin pulp has the effect of tonic, regulate the spleen, tonic, laxative, treat headache, nervous breakdown and prevent constipation
It is recommended to regularly eat pumpkin, at least 2 times a week.

Pumpkin - Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

Pumpkin seeds are high in amino acids: alanin, valin, leucin, histidin, cystin, calanin, arginine, lysine and contain a lot of fatty oils, which are used to treat worms and tapeworms. Because pumpkin seeds contain amino acids and fatty oils, when gold stars have a delicious smell, fleshy and greasy when eaten. That is why pumpkin seeds are preferred to receive guests in holidays, festivals, weddings.
How to process pumpkin seeds to make a helminthic medicine
After adding the zucchini, collect the whole seed, remove the membrane, wash, dry. Before using the stars for brittle then proceed in 2 ways, one is for the whole shell, with a dose of 300g for adults, children depending on the age, reduce the amount accordingly, such as under 5 years of age use about 50 - 70g, from 5-7 years old use 100g, 7-10 years old 150g.
Should be pulverized, add about 2 volumes of water (compared to the weight of the grain), simmer, or simmer for about 1.30 - 2 hours. Decant, filter the solution, add a little sugar for easy drinking.

Pumpkin - Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

Drink once in a fasting; The second way is to take the seeds off the outer shell, take the kernel, spread it into a fine powder, add some boiled water to cool, a little honey or sugar, stir well.
Eat once on an empty stomach. Adults dose 100g, children 3-4 years old use 30g, 5-7 years use 50g, 7-10 years old 75g. Usually, before taking pills 6-9 hours, people indented slightly or take a mild dose of bleach (30g magnesium sulfate).
After taking the pill, lie down for 3 hours and then go outside in a basin of warm water, paying attention to soaking both the buttocks in the water basin to have a warm enough temperature for the worms to crawl out.
Because areca nut contains alkaloids of arecolin that have toxic effects on the nerves of the flukes, paralyze the smooth muscles of the flukes, and prevent the flukes from attaching to the intestinal wall and being ejected due to the effect of a dose of medicine mild eraser.
Therefore, if combining two medicinal herbs and pumpkin seeds and areca nuts, it will be highly effective in the treatment of human fluke. After 2 hours of drinking pumpkin seeds, drink areca nut water with the amount of 30g for children 10 years and under, with women and small men, use 50 - 60g, adults 80g.

Pumpkin - Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

Add areca nut to identity with 500ml of water. Sac also 150ml, decant water. Small gelatin solution 2.5% to precipitate all tannins to eliminate acrid, difficult to drink. Decant, filter the clear water to drink. After drinking areca nut water for 30 minutes, take a dose of bleach with 30g of magnesium sulfate. Lie down, when you want to go outside, then proceed in the above way..

Pumpkin - Laxative Medicine, Treats Worms

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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