What Method Of Treatment For Cancer?

Question: My friend is 55 years old, not married, has no children, has had menopause for 3 years, recently he had abdominal pain in the lower abdomen, he was diagnosed with left ovarian cancer by a doctor and needed to be hospitalized. treat immediately. So I would like to ask the current treatment of cancer there are any methods? Is the effect high?
(Xuan Ly - Hai Duong)

Answer There are currently at least four methods to treat cancer: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. The purpose of these methods is to destroy cancer cells that try not to damage normal cells. Each method can be used separately or in combination with each other

. Technological advances have increased the efficiency and safety of the methods and many patients have been saved. Once a cancer has been identified, the physician must discuss with the patient all possible therapies, and at the same time, provide emotional support with psychosocial and constructive psychotherapy. The spirit of optimism and confidence in the sick is very important and necessary

See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening
- Surgical methods
Surgery is the most classic treatment, but it is also very effective, especially with cancer shrinking in a certain part of the body.

What Method Of Treatment For Cancer?

During surgery, as many cancer cells are removed as possible (maximum surgery).
Sometimes healthy cells are also removed to make sure that the cancerous cells that are mixed in are removed. The effect depends on a number of factors: Tumors shrink in one place and have not spread; Cancer cells grow slowly; The location of the tumor; The professional ability of the surgeon; The effectiveness of support services such as anesthesia, infection control, blood transfusion, surgical equipment and postoperative care.
- Radiotherapy
More than half of all cancers are treated with radiation therapy. Usually, radiation is used for cancer that cannot be cured by surgery or when surgery has been done and there is a concern that the cancer will recur. Success depends on the location of the cancer; radiation sensitivity; u collapse and not metastasize.
The purpose of radiation therapy is to destroy cancer cells and to shrink tumors by waves or molecules such as protons, electrons, rails, gamma-ray
There are two types of radiation therapy:
a) Being put into cancer tumor completely, after surgery, the radiation contained in the container will be placed right at the surgery site by the doctor
b) Using a device to direct radiation to tumors and surrounding cells, effective destruction on cancer cells are growing faster than normal cells.

What Method Of Treatment For Cancer?

Radiation is introduced into the body in very small amounts within three or four weeks to have a strong effect on cancer cells and limit the effect on healthy cells. Common side effects are fatigue, changes in the skin, loss of appetite.
- Valence
Used when the cancer has spread beyond its original location or when it has spread in multiple locations. The method will be more effective if the cancer is sensitive to chemicals; small tumor; when the patient is healthy, able to endure the adverse effects of the drug.
There are many different chemicals, each with a specific effect on each cancer by stopping the division and reproduction of cancer cells. Without cell division, the cell breaks down, the tumor will shrink.
Chemotherapy has saved many lives and also helped many others reduce disease. Unlike radiotherapy or surgery that requires compact cancer, chemicals can spread throughout the body to destroy cancer cells in places where other methods cannot be solved.

What Method Of Treatment For Cancer?

The drug can be taken orally, but most are given intravenously. Common side effects are vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, easy infections, anemia.
- Immunotherapy: When it comes to cancer treatment, we often think of destroying diseased cells with chemicals, radiation or surgical cutlery. These methods are very effective, but more or less cause damage to healthy cells.
Immunotherapy does not affect healthy cells but is very effective in killing cancer cells. The goal of this treatment is to increase the body's ability to fight off disease, increase patient tolerance to the adverse effects of chemotherapy, radiation and prevent cancer cell growth.
This method is currently under scrutiny and has bright prospects for patients. In addition, the state of mind of the patient also affects the results of cancer treatment and other incurable diseases.

What Method Of Treatment For Cancer?

A thorough understanding of disease, a positive attitude of life, an optimistic spirit will increase the body's immunity to cope with the difficulties of the disease..

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