Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

Ovarian cyst is the common name for an abnormal growth in the ovary. Ovarian cysts can develop from the tissues of the ovaries or from tissues of other organs in the body.
Ovarian cysts exist in many different forms with many different complications, of which the ovarian cyst twisted is a dangerous, life-threatening complication of patients and diseases of all ages, especially women. women age 30 and up.
For early detection of ovarian cysts
Without complications, ovarian cysts often have very vague symptoms, most cases only detect ovarian tumors by accident when abdominal ultrasound examination or routine gynecological examination

Possible symptoms:
- Palpate the tumor on the abdomen.
- Stomachache.
- Menstrual disorders

- Disorders of bowel movement or urination.

Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

These symptoms may be symptoms of another condition such as gynecological disease (infection, fibroids) or a tumor of another disease in the abdomen. Ovarian cysts can lead to twisted tumors with symptoms such as acute abdominal cramps, intermittent pains, intensifying and increasing intensity, often accompanied by vomiting, sometimes severe. leading to dehydration and electrolytes or lead to kidney failure.
Periodic gynecological exams can help detect ovarian tumors, combined with abdominal ultrasound, which will show tumor properties. In addition, a number of blood tests may be done to help guide the benign or benign properties of the tumor such as a blood test that measures the amount of Alpha Feto Protein (CA 125).
Natural events may occur
- Tumors do not increase in size: they are rare.
- Tumors disappear: usually occur for functional tumors after monitoring for 2-3 months

- The tumor gets bigger and bigger: the belly gets bigger and bigger, can be accompanied by additional complications such as lower abdominal pain, urinary retention, digestive disorders, bloating .

Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

Treatment of ovarian cysts
Treatment of ovarian cysts depends on the size of the tumor, whether it is possible to take medications, inject cysts, laparoscopy or open surgery. In the case of a large cyst tumor, invasive on both sides of the ovary must be surgically removed on both sides.
If it is a functional tumor, it is recommended to wait a few months for a clear diagnosis while a physical tumor (due to the pathology) needs to be managed early to determine the nature of good or evil, as well as avoid variables. probable. If a tumor is too large, it will make it difficult for surgery, causing a lot of blood loss and risk of damage to nearby organs.
The main treatment for ovarian cysts is surgery.

Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

Surgery can be done through laparoscopy or open abdominal surgery depending on the size and nature of the tumor. The drug is used only in a few special cases or in the meantime for surgery for those cases where surgery is indicated.
Ovarian follicular cysts
Cystic torsion is a common complication of cystic torsion, or occurs in cysts with long stalks, about 8-10 cm in diameter. Because the tumor has a long stem, it is easy to move and twisted. Torsion or rupture is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical attention.
The most easily twisted is cysts, if diagnosed early and managed promptly, the prognosis is good. If late, necrotic tumor rupture, patients at risk of death. In addition, there is no phenomenon that a long-term ovarian cyst will become ovarian cancer, only ovarian cancer is not diagnosed and managed early so that the cancer mass is getting worse.

Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

Ovarian cyst
The majority are benign. Organoma is an organization that develops from the epidermal tissue during embryogenesis. When having surgery, you will see inside the tumor there is yellow bean residue, lots of hair, bones, teeth ...
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is also classified as a special type of cyst because the cancer can only be known after surgery, and before it was diagnosed with a cyst. Ovarian cancer can develop at any age and is often detected late because the symptoms of ovarian tumors are often very vague.

Ovarian Cysts Are Life-threatening In Patients

Moreover, the position of the ovaries is in great contact with the abdominal cavity, so there is often a distant metastases very early. Treatment of ovarian cancer involves surgery and additional chemotherapy afterwards. Depending on the severity of the disease, it may require surgery to remove both ovaries and the uterus, even though the patient is very young.
Ovarian cysts are a common disease in women. Perhaps this is just a functional tumor due to the endocrine activity of the body or it may be a cancer that needs to be detected and treated promptly to preserve the life and maintain the function of the woman.
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